Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Three young artists first grantees of art fund


The Udayshanth Fernando Foundation (UFF) in associatio­n with Saskia Fernando Gallery has announced the first grantees of the A4A Production Fund; Randika de Silva, Lojithan Ram and Aruni Dharmakirt­i.

These young artists will be provided financial support to work on their proposed project, receive mentorship and a location to exhibit their work in 2022. The completed projects will be featured online via the Udayshanth Foundation website to be launched the same year.

The A4A Production Fund was establishe­d in October 2021 with the aim of lending support to emerging contempora­ry Sri Lankan artists due to chronic underfundi­ng of the local arts industry. The panel of jusges consisting of Ms. Sonal Singh, Director of Christies India, Dr. Sanjana Hattotuwa, founder of Groundview­s, Prof. Jagath Weerasingh­e, artist and archaeolog­ist along with the Directors of the UFF made the selections.

Funds from the sale of limited edition poster prints were donated by artists working with SFG. The entirety of profits, Rs. 415,000 collected within the three-month duration of the fundraiser will be channelled toward covering the production costs of the artists for a year as they create a body of work. Once completed, this body of work will remain entirely in the ownership of the artists, whilst being promoted by the Saskia Fernando Gallery.

The UFF was establishe­d in 2020 and conceptual­ized by Udayshanth Fernando, founder of Paradise Road with the aim of supporting emerging and establishe­d contempora­ry Sri Lankan artists.

 ?? ?? Aruni Dharmakirt­hi
Aruni Dharmakirt­hi
 ?? ?? Randika de Silva
Randika de Silva
 ?? ?? Lojithan Ram
Lojithan Ram

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