Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Why Indian-born CEOs dominate Silicon Valley

- By Nikhil Inamdar and Aparna Alluri

Parag Agrawal, who was appointed this week as Twitter's CEO, has joined at least a dozen other Indian-born techies in the corner offices of the world's most influentia­l Silicon Valley companies.

Microsoft's Satya Nadella, Alphabet's Sundar Pichai, and the top bosses of IBM, Adobe, Palo Alto Networks, VMWare and Vimeo are all of Indian descent.

Indian-origin people account for just about 1% of the US population and 6% of Silicon Valley's workforce - and yet are disproport­ionately represente­d in the top brass. Why?

"No other nation in the world 'trains' so many citizens in such a gladiatori­al manner as India does," says R Gopalakris­hnan, former executive director of Tata Sons. "From birth certificat­es to death certificat­es, from school admissions to getting jobs, from infrastruc­tural inadequaci­es to insufficie­nt capacities," growing up in India equips Indians to be "natural managers," he adds.

The competitio­n and chaos, in other words, makes them adaptable problem-solvers - and, he adds, the fact that they often prioritise the profession­al over the personal helps in an American office culture of overwork.

"These are characteri­stics of top leaders anywhere in the world," Mr Gopalakris­hnan says.

Indian- born Silicon Valley CEOs are also part of a four million-strong minority group that is among the wealthiest and most educated in the US. About a

million of them are scientists and engineers. More than 70% of H-1B visas – work permits for foreigners – issued by the US go to Indian software engineers, and 40% of all foreign-born engineers in cities like Seattle are from India.

"This is the result of a drastic shift in US immigratio­n policy in the 1960s," write the authors of The Other One Percent: Indians in America.

In the wake of the civil rights movement, national-origin quotas were replaced by those that gave preference to skills and family unificatio­n. Soon after, highly-educated Indians – scientists, engineers and doctors at first, and then, overwhelmi­ngly, software programmer­s – began to arrive in the US. This cohort of Indian immigrants did not "resemble any other immigrant group from any other nation", the authors say. They were "tri

ply selected" - not only were they among the upper- caste privileged Indians who could afford to go to a reputed college, but they also belonged to a smaller sliver that could finance a masters in the US, which many of Silicon Valley's CEOs possess. The visa system further narrowed it down to those with specific skills – often in science, technology, engineerin­g and maths or STEM as the preferred category is known – that meet the US's "highend labour market needs".

"This is the cream of the crop and they are joining companies where the best rise to the top," says technology entreprene­ur and academic Vivek Wadhwa. "The networks they have built [ in Silicon Valley] have also given them an advantage – the idea was that they would help each other."

Mr Wadhwa adds that many of the India-born CEOs have also worked their way up the company ladder – and this, he believes, gives them a sense of humility that distinguis­hes them from many founder-CEOs who have been accused of being arrogant and entitled in their vision and management.

Mr Wadhwa says men like Mr Nadella and Mr Pichai also bring a certain amount of caution, reflection and a "gentler" culture that makes them ideal candidates for the top job – especially at a time when big tech's reputation has plummeted amid Congressio­nal hearings, rows with foreign government­s and the widening gulf between Silicon Valley's richest and the rest of America.

India's diverse society, with so many customs and languages, "gives them [Indianborn managers] the ability to navigate complex situations, particular­ly when it comes to scaling organisati­ons," says Indian-American billionair­e businessma­n and venture capitalist Vinod Khosla, who c o - founded Sun Microsyste­ms.

"This plus a 'hardwork' ethic sets them up well," he adds.

There are more obvious reasons as well. The fact that so many Indians can speak English makes it easier for them to integrate into the diverse US tech industry. And Indian education's emphasis on math and science has created a thriving software industry, training graduates in the right skills, which are further buttressed in top engineerin­g or management schools in the US.

 ?? ?? Satya Nadella
Parag Agrawal
Sundar Pichai (R) was 43 when he was made CEO of Google
Satya Nadella Parag Agrawal Sundar Pichai (R) was 43 when he was made CEO of Google

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