Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

The True Meaning of Mother’s Day


A heartfelt post on facebook accompanie­d by pictures wishes a mother a happy mother’s day. The post is shared as the words tug on the readers heart strings and remind them of their own dear mother. ‘Likes’ mount up and the post goes viral on your newsfeed. However, the mother that is honored is unaware of her new celebrity status. She toils hard as she does each day, waking up early to make her beloved child the morning cup of tea, as she then proceeds with her numerous tasks. The child too, all grown ups, down the cup of tea and then sit back to check the notificati­ons surroundin­g the mother’s day post. The child smiles, satisfied.

“Good Morning Ammi” goes unsaid. The mother watches and waits.

What is Mother’s Day?

Mother’s Day is a celebratio­n honouring mothers and celebratin­g motherhood, maternal bonds and the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on various days on many parts of the world, yet most commonly in March, April, or May.

The day is preceded by a marketing rampage which encourages you to ‘show your mother how much you love her with a bouquet of flowers’ or better yet, ‘a gold necklace set with precious stones as a symbol of your love’.

Mother’s Day around the world

In most countries, Mother’s Day is a recent observance derived from the holiday as it has evolved in America. When it was adopted by other countries and cultures, it was given different meanings, associated to different events (religious, historical or legendary), and celebrated on a different date or dates.

A Marketing gimmick or the real deal?

This mother’s day, tell your mother that you love her. Tell her that you appreciate the cup of tea made each day. Tell her that you noticed how she gave you the best piece of chicken day after day, throughout your life. Tell her that you know that she always gave you the first place, and gave her needs a back seat.

Skeptics claim that Mother’s day is a mere marketing gimmick that is adopted from America, is blindly followed in Sri Lanka. They say that they don’t believe in the celebratio­ns. They claim that ‘everyday is mother’s day’.

When did you last tell your mother that you love her?

This may be true. The celebratio­n may have reached proportion­s that were never expected. However, as you hear this argument, stop and think for a minute. When was the last time you told your mother you loved her?

Use mother’s day to say what is normally unsaid. Treat her with the love and devotion that she treats you. Take her out for a special meal or just spend the day with her. Let this mother’s day be a new chapter in your relationsh­ip with her. A chapter where she knows exactly how much she is valued.

No one wants to be taken for granted.

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