Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

The fastest way to become an IT graduate


With the world travelling at a pace beyond our speed of life, it has just become a 100 metres dash where the end line seems way beyond 100 metres. Employers seek young dynamic personel to be a part of their organizati­onal team, but producing young dynamic graduates around 20 years of age is impractica­l according to our higher education system, where the young individual completes G.C.E O/L at the age of 16 and then completes G.C.E A/ L at 19 or 20 years, further waits for university entrance till 22 years and completes the degree at 26 years.

This actually is only one side of the race I was mentioning, the other side, of course the side that we can all smile is BCS – The Chartered Institute for IT – UK, offers the profession­al qualificat­ion in IT, which is equivalent to an honours degree in IT. The great news is that the programmem­e can be completed in less than two academic years and even more interestin­g is that MATRIX is offering your child the greatest of opportunit­ies to commence the course while they are at school. Any child who has completed 14 years can start the after school programmem­e at MATRIX, where the classes will be held twice a week ( After school) on Thursday and Friday from 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm. We will ensure the best quality of training to your child making them ready for the first exams in September 2015. In simple one out of the three levels of BCS will then be completed by September 2015 ( still while schooling), thus the full programmem­e can be completed in 2016 September or latest 2017 April. Just imagine if your child is 15 years and starts the programmem­e in May 2015 with MATRIX, at the age of 17 he or she will be a graduate in IT, while all his/ her friends will be starting G.C.E A/L. Young Chayu Damsinghe is an ideal example, a student with so much of enthusiasm started the BCS at the very young age of 13 and completed the full pro- grammeme at 15 years, Chayu is at present following his Masters at a leading private university in Sri Lanka and by the age of 18 he will complete the Masters. If young Chayu Damsinghe can achieve a milestone of this calibre, then why not your child.

BCS – The Chartered Institute for IT, was establishe­d in UK in 1957 and since then provides numerous programmem­es of study, BCS has produced thousands of IT profession­als to the world, Sri Lanka has been a major contributo­r to the list of IT graduates that BCS produces each year. Job placements for BCS graduates are extremely high due to the fact that the programmem­e is internatio­nally recognized and further, extra ingredient­s that we at MATRIX add to the programme. MATRIX offers BCS Xtra, a programme designed on weekends for employed staff or even students, which consists of extra modules than just the three subjects offered for the BCS certificat­e level. Further details about the BCS can be obtained by contacting the BCS coordinato­r on 0714317924.

MATRIX Institute of Informatio­n Technology ( Pvt) Ltd, a name renowned for excellence in teaching, quality of education, was estab- lished in the first quarter of year 2006 and now is in the 10th year of service for its nation, has produced 64 world prize winners and 8 Sri Lankan prize winners and further produced over 1000 of IT graduates currently employed locally and / or inter nationally. “Our approach to education and training is different, our learning environmen­t is different, we ensure that each student who registers with MATRIX, gets the very best attention and excellent guidance until the full completion of the programme, we simply make MATRIX a home for your child’s education”, stated the chairman, Dr. Viraj Pinto Jayawarden­a. The company’s vision was clearly in line with the statement by the chairman, which states “Home for Studies”.

MATRIX offers many other courses of study, the Bachelor of Informatio­n Technology (BIT) of the University of Colombo (UCSC) is one such programme of study which has a very high demand at MATRIX, which is once again no doubt to the excellent teaching and guidance by the Institutio­n. MATRIX has been able to prove her excellence by becoming the best institute for BIT for several semesters for consecutiv­e four years. (, further in year 2014, MATRIX produced the top candidate for BIT in Sri Lanka. Further expects Ms. Manushi Wijepala to be the next top candidate with a GPA of 3.98. The new intake for the BIT degree starts on the 09th of May 2015. Further details about the BIT programme can be obtained on 0714317930.

General informatio­n and other courses on offer can be obtained by contacting the general hotline on 0714317929 or our land line on 2 553 331. The right future needs a correct start to education that is where MATRIX would fit in. Make your child’s that, correct start today.

 ??  ?? Deshamanya Dr. Viraj Pinto Jayawarden­a Chairman/ Managing Director MATRIX Institute of Informatio­n Technology (Pvt) Ltd President FITIS – Education and Training Chapter
Deshamanya Dr. Viraj Pinto Jayawarden­a Chairman/ Managing Director MATRIX Institute of Informatio­n Technology (Pvt) Ltd President FITIS – Education and Training Chapter

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