Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

WP Deputy Principals ‘discount’ service to avoid transfer alleges AVK


National School Deputy Principals (DP) in the Western Province (WP) who have served for over 6 years, will be transferre­d with effect from May, said Minister of Education Akila Viraj Kariyawasa­m.

According to the Minister, the Ministry has received forged documents with adjusted service records, when it requested for service documents. “Some have served the same school for over 10-12 years, while submitting documents stating service of 3-4 years. There are schools with over five DPs, and these posts have remained unchanged for many years,” the Minister said.

The Minister has instructed the Ministry Secretary to call for explanatio­ns from those DPs.

He said that some have not accepted their transfers while remaining in the schools with political backing.

The Minister elaborated that the Ministry’s Investigat­ion Unit has revealed that DPs are more involved in soliciting money from parents for admitting students.

“Unlike Principals, DPs remain in schools for a long period. Due to this they are able to resort to financial frauds and get away without being noticed,” he said.

Ministry Secretary Upali Marasinghe said the Education Ministry is in the process of preparing a database of Principals in the country, with the inclusion of all relevant details, and will commence in June.

“Principals and DPs of National Schools are treated in like manner as in other schools, and if any corruption is revealed, the Ministry will not hesitate to act against them,” he added.

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