Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Specks of star dust likely first from beyond solar system


CAPE CANAVERAL Fla. (Reuters) - A NASA spacecraft dispatched 15 years ago to collect samples from a comet also snared what scientists suspect are the first dust specks from interstell­ar space.

The Stardust robotic spacecraft was launched in 1999 to fly by a comet and collect samples from Comet Wild 2 (pronounced "Vilt 2") and parachute them back to Earth in 2006. Before reaching the comet, the spacecraft also twice opened a collection tray to fish for particles that may have come into the solar system from interstell­ar space.

Now, after a Herculean effort involving thousands of volunteer researcher­s, scientists say they have what they believe are the first seven specks of freshly plucked dust hailing from exploded stars and other cosmic phenomena beyond the solar system.

The grains, described in a paper in this week's edition of the journal, Science, are unexpected­ly diverse in shape, size and content, indicating that interstell­ar dust likely has a more complex and varied evolution than originally thought, said lead author Andrew Westphal, a physicist with the University of California Berkeley's Space Science Laboratory.

Two of the particles are bigger than the rest, though that is a very relative term when speaking of specks that are about 4 microns, or one-16,000th of an inch (0.0004 cm) across.

These two dust grains, which appear fluffy, like snowflakes, contain a magnesium-iron- silicate mineral called olivine, a hint that they may have come from disks around other stars before being altered by interstell­ar travel, Westphal said.

Some of the interstell­ar grains also may have organics, added space scientist Michael Zolensky, who oversees NASA's collection of extraterre­strial samples at the Johnson Space Center in Houston.

Scientists hope to tease out more informatio­n from the dust motes, but not quite yet. They say more sophistica­ted equipment and processes are needed to analyze the tiny samples without destroying them.

"The prudent thing is just to put these away for a while and then wait until better techniques come along to make the analysis," Zolensky said.

In the meantime, the volunteer effort to find other potential interstell­ar grains in Stardust's collection trays continues. The particles were trapped in a smokelike substance called aerogel, but their telltale impact tracks are so tiny that scientists had no choice but to recruit volunteers to assist in the search.

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