Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Jaffna warms to SOSL beat

- A proud moment: Jane Selvaraja picks up the baton The orchestra : Delighted to share their music

The Symphony Orchestra of Sri Lanka’s first ever concert in Jaffna on November 17, at the Veerasingh­am Hall was warmly received by the music loving public of the North, the hall being filled to capacity with some 900 people. The concert organised in collaborat­ion with the Embassy of Japan was part of the celebratio­ns of the 60th anniversar­y of establishi­ng diplomatic relations with Sri Lanka and began with a speech in Tamil by Japanese Ambassador Nobuhito Hobo, which was enthusiast­ically greeted by the audience.

The theme of the concert was “Music from Around the World”. The orchestra, conducted by the Japanese conductor Keiko Kobayashi, performed music from Austria, Germany, France, Italy, U.S.A., Japan, India and Sri Lanka.

Clarinet soloist Ado Kihara, from Japan, gave a rousing rendition of the third movement of Weber’s Clarinet Concerto. His performanc­e elicited great interest from the audience no doubt, familiar with the Nadaswaram, the wind instrument used in carnatic music. The Tamil music of A.R. Rahman “Kadhal Rojave” & “Malarkale Malarkale” was loudly applauded. Sunil Shantha’s “Olu Pipeela” was well received too. The programme included “Song Lines”, a piece composed by the well known Japanese contempora­ry composer Eiji Suzuki, based both on a Sri Lankan and a traditiona­l Japanese folk tune to bring out the harmonious blending of cultures and his desire for world peace. The composer who was present at the concert was warmly applauded for his compositio­n.

The different sounds of the orchestral instrument­s were demonstrat­ed to the audience which comprised of students, teachers, bankers and the general public with explanatio­ns in both English and Tamil.

A student from Chundikuli Girls School, Jane Madusha Selvaraja, had the honour of “conducting” the orchestra, receiving rapturous applause. Ms Selvaraja said she “was very happy as it was a good experience” for her.

When Gershwin’s popular “I Got Rhythm” was performed the audience joined in the rhythmic clapping and spontaneou­sly broke into a steady clap in time to the music at the final encore of Johann Strauss Jr’s “toe tapping” Overture to Die Fledermaus.

At the end of the concert, responding to the rousing applause and requests for encores, the SOSL performed a piece of music written especially for them by the Japanese composer, Eiji Suzuki, titled “Greetings”.

Many were the requests for the SOSL to come back and perform again, even start a Jaffna Branch. A bank executive commented “We felt it was a new experience for us. It completely differs with the formal music programme which we were used to seeing in this part of the country.”

Yet another bank executive wrote that “It was really a mind blowing event to witness. I came with my family and friends and they too were thrilled. My naughty little son who never sits in a place watched the whole concert attentivel­y. During those two hours we forgot that we are in Jaffna. It was really nice to see a Japanese deliver his speech in Tamil and a student called up to conduct a song. It would have definitely made an impact on the school students who were there--more than 50% of the audience. I want to say a big thank you for the whole team for that wonderful evening and kindly request you to continue to support the peninsula people with such great events.”

The musicians of the Symphony Orchestra of Sri Lanka were equally moved by the packed hall and gave an inspired performanc­e that evening. Said one musician “It was truly a magnificen­t happening. The audience response was terrific. The concert showed the SOSL’s spirit of music making. The players are thrilled, not only about the music but the whole trip.”

The Symphony Orchestra of Sri Lanka was thankful to its sponsors, Asia Capital, the Embassy of Japan, Japan Foundation, Toyota, Colombo Dockyard Plc, Itochu, Mitsubishi Corporatio­n, Taisei, Maeda and Mr Chandra Mohan for their sponsorshi­p. Chairman of the Board of Governors of the SOSL Mrs. Sharmini Wettimuny stated, “We are delighted that we were able to share our music with the people of Jaffna, who filled the huge Veerasingh­am Hall to capacity and showed their appreciati­on through enthusiast­ic applause. We also value their comments given after the concert. We hope that we will be able to return to Jaffna for more concerts in the future.”

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