Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Humanitari­an and charity projects implemente­d in Sri Lanka by Charity organizati­ons in the United Arab Emirates in the year 2012


Constructi­on of 16 Housing Units i n Ko h i l aw at t e , Wellampiti­ya, to be donated to the needy, funded by the Sharjah Charity Internatio­nal in the United Arab Emirates.

Donation of two vehicles (Ambulance and Janaza Service) to the Governor of Western Province, to be used for the needy in the country, funded by t h e K h a l i f a C h a r i t abl e Foundation in UAE.

Distributi­on of Computers and a Three Wheeler to Fath’hus Salam Ladies Arabic College in Colombo 6 funded by Sharjah Charity Internatio­nal.

Numerous donations ( by way of dry rations/ clothes etc..) given to many areas in Sri Lanka and to Orphanages too, during the Holy Month of Ramadhan.

Gifting of an advanced Cancer Treating equipment named Brachyther­aphy Machine (to the value of SL Rs. 80 million) for the Cancer Institute in Kandy, funded by the UAE Red Crescent.

A similar Machine was already donated by “Khalifa Charitable Foundation” in UAE in January 2012, which is being used by the National Cancer Hospital in Colombo.

This Machine is used to treat women with Womb Cancer and from the date of using, more than 3500 patients were treated ( up to January 2012) and cured. Demand for this specialize­d treat- ment is so great that there is a six months waiting list for patients.

Taking into considerat­ion the number of patients waiting to be treated by this Machine the Embassy requested the Red Crescent in UAE to donate funds to purchase another Machine to be used in the National Cancer Hospital in Kandy ( so that patients from North and East could be treated, instead of them coming all the way to Colombo).

No sooner the request was made the Red Crescent very generously came forward and donated the funds for the same

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