Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

My only struggle in life is to topple the Rajapaksa regime, says Ranil

Vows to launch a series of public protests beginning next year to make the people partners in the party's mission


United National Party ( UNP) leader Ranil Wickremesi­nghe said yesterday he has made it his personal struggle in life to topple the Rajapaksa regime and install a 'people-friendly" government by 2014.

"This is my struggle. I have only one struggle. My only struggle is against the Mahidna Rajapaksa regime and the struggle to topple it. Other than this struggle, I have no other struggles. It's time to stop talking and to immediatel­y start work so we can capture power in 2014," the UNP leader said in a hardhittin­g speech soon after he was elected as the party leader for six more years, at the 54th annual convention of the UNP.

He said the UNP convention, held yesterday, sent out a clear message that the Party had begun its journey to topple this government.

"The biggest beneficiar­ies of the Rajapaksa regime are confined to one per cent of the population. But we in the UNP represent over 90 per cent of the population who are, in every way, being exploited and controlled by this regime," Mr. Wickremesi­nghe said.

He said this population includes youth who have become destitute due to deprivatio­n of proper education as well as employment opportunit­ies. "They need proper polices, equality and opportunit­y but they have been deprived of all this by the Mahinda Rajapaksa government."

He said that the UNP stands with all the parents in the country who sacrifice everything to enable their children to get better education, better health care and shelter. "The education sector has crumbled completely, while due to the shortage of drugs the heath sector too is facing a similar situation. A group of parents told me that they become debtors so that their children would not have to become debtors themselves."

The UNP leader said that despite appeals made by the people to the President to give them some relief in the Budget, what they got in return were duty free "Lamborghin­is' race cars . "Even though you did not get a pay rise, you will be able to watch "Lamborghin­i 'car racing on December 14 and 15. Even though your stomach is empty, the Mahinda Chintanaya has used this to hoodwink the people," he said.

The UNP leader said that to provide relief to people burdened by the high cost of living, starting in 2013, the UNP will begin a series of public protests to make sure people are given better salaries.

He also referred to the plight of the estate workers saying they have been denied their most basic facilities as well as their rights. "The UNP will work to ensure they get a decent salary and are allowed to live in dignity."

He also spoke of the disparitie­s in the financial sector. "Even though banks give massive amounts in loans to corrupt persons who dabble in the stock market, they refuse loans for medium and small scale industrial­ist who want to get a loan. Can a pavement hawker, a three wheeler driver, a retail shop owner and small scale investor get a bank loan? How can a country be developed if it does not have small scale businesses? We are a political party for medium and small scale industrial­ists which the Mahinda Rajapaksa government is working to destroy while giving benefits to a few privileged persons," he said.

The UNP leader said his party wants to ensure that all citizens of this country, Sinhalese, Tamils or Muslims have a right to live with dignity and self-respect.

"The Government has so far failed to hold elections to the Northern Provincial Council. If this is the case, what is the future the Tamil people have? What is the government doing to ensure that these people have a bright future?" he asked.

He also called for the implementa­tion of the recommenda­tions of the Lessons Learnt and Reconcilia­tion Commission (LLRC). "This Commission was not set up by us but by President Rajapaksa. What is the government dragging its feet in implementi­ng the recommenda­tions of a Commission they themselves appointed?"

The UNP leader said that if this dismal situation is to change, the Rajapaksa regime has to be toppled and corruption brought to an end. "It is a well-known fact that this government and its henchmen are engaged in making the maximum amount of money. When a road is being concreted in a village, the government henchmen make money out of it. From this level up to the top level, there is corruption, fraud and inefficien­cy in this government. Like the UNP General Secretary Tissa Attanayaka said, after they have exhausted all means of making money, not only have they sold the seas but are now trying to sell the skies also."

The country lost millions of rupees due to investment in Greek bonds. It is the people who have to pay for these bad decisions. But who are the persons who benefited from this corrupt deal? Who took the commission­s? Who robbed the money in the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) and the Employees Trust Fund (ETF)? Who robbed the money from the National Savings Bank? Who are the people who lost the money? Its the ordinary people of this country who lost out in the end. "

"Who is making money from the constructi­on of roads all over the country? Were the roads in the north constructe­d for the benefit of the Tamil people or were they a means for making more money? To whose pockets did the commission money from the Hambantota port and airport projects go?"

"This government is selling the country. They accused me of selling Sigirya those days. But Sigiriya is still there. They are selling the skies and by the time we finish paying off our debts, the future generation­s will also be sold. Are we going to allow this government to carry on in this manner? We have to topple the Mahinda Rajapaksa regime to put an immediate stop to this destructiv­e journey," the UNP leader fired.

"I request the entire country to become partners in our work. This government will not be toppled by us just speaking about it. We have to work at the grassroot level and in this connection we will set up our regional centres before the Sinhala and Hindu New Year next year. We will also monitor these sector groups to ensure they are doing their work. The youth and women ( Lak vanitha) wings too will work in these areas. If we are to take power, then these regional bodies will have to be strengthen­ed," the UNP leader said.

Meanwhile UNP Deputy Leader and MP Sajith Premadasa said he would back the Opposition leader at the next Presidenti­al election, but added that if the present leadership did not contest the next presidenti­al poll he would come forward to contest while working under the present leadership.

Mr. Premadasa voted against the decision at the Party convention to hold elections for the party leadership every six years.

Pointing out that since 1994, the UNP has been losing all the elections Mr. Premadasa said he as well as party supporters were keen to bring the party back to power.

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