Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Drawing back from a ruinous precipice


It did not take much prescience to foretell that parliament­ary privilege would be formally wielded to prohibit public discussion of the PSC process with the commenceme­nt of the Parliament­ary Select Committee (PSC) to consider the impeachmen­t of the Chief Justice of Sri Lanka this week. The Speaker's warning to party leaders on Friday that matters discussed at the PSC may not be divulged to the media is therefore unsurprisi­ng.

Bar on premature publicatio­n of proceeding­s of PSC

As observed previously, first we had a group of recently appointed (but unfortunat­ely unnamed) President's Counsel who tried to make out, quite wrongly, that fair and reasonable discussion of the impeachmen­t even before the Select Committee had commenced sittings, amounted to a breach of privilege. Moreover, that the Chief Justice's response to the charges relating to financial impropriet­y was also prohibited. As remarked in these column spaces, one can understand their natural eagerness to prostrate themselves before the Presidenti­al hand that had magnanimou­sly rewarded them. Yet this was a truly prepostero­us attempt to gag public discussion.

Now however that the PSC has commenced sittings, a bar applies to publicatio­n of proceeding­s in a committee of the House before they are reported to the House (see point 9. of Part B in the schedule to the privileges law, 1953). This is an offence that may be tried by Parliament itself. Power to deal with offences in Part B. is conferred upon either the House or the Supreme Court. This is different to offences defined in Part A. which, as discussed last week, are exclusivel­y within the power of the Supreme Court to punish. It is from this prohibitio­n in Part B. that the Speaker's warning to party leaders and the media this week emanated.

Public duty to discuss general issues of impeachmen­t

Even so this bar applies strictly only to the premature publicatio­n of matters discussed before the PSC. It does not and cannot, even on the most favourable interpreta­tion that the government may endeavour to give to its wording, encompass general criticism of the impeachmen­t, its impact on the independen­ce of the judiciary, the quality of justice meted out to the Chief Justice and relevant actions of the government in that regard.

The core question, as fittingly editoriali­sed in this newspaper last week, remains as to whether this an impeachmen­t or an inquisitio­n of the Chief Justice? The public is entitled to discuss this question. It is this capacity which distinguis­hes Sri Lanka from a barbarian society, even though many may be of the opinion that we have crossed the line from civilised to barbarian some time ago. Efforts to suppress fair discussion of these matters must therefore be fiercely resisted.

Power of the mere threat of privilege

But there is little doubt that, quite apart from what the law actually prohibits, the mere threat of privilege with all the power that this gives to a House in which the ruling party pushing this impeachmen­t of the country's top judicial officer predominat­es in rude numbers, will inhibit vigorous discussion of the very impeachmen­t process itself.

The potential that parliament­ary privilege possesses to chill freedom of expression and informatio­n is certainly enormous. It is parallel to the similar 'chilling' effect that the power of contempt of court has in relation to questions touching on judicial behaviour.

In enlightene­d jurisdicti­ons, the negative impact of both contempt and parliament­ary privilege is limited by wise law reform, the sheer weight of liberal public opinion that raps government­s as well as judges over the knuckles when authority becomes converted to authoritar­ianism not to mention powerful lobbies that jealously safeguard basic rights of informatio­n and expression. Even in South Asia itself countries such as India, Pakistan and Bangladesh have surged ahead with legal, regulatory and policy reforms. In contrast, we remain in the "Dark Ages' as it were.

Thrusting of judges into the 'thicket' of political controvers­y

That said, esoteric questions of law anyway have little impact when the law itself has fundamenta­lly lost its relevance in Sri Lanka. As this column has repeatedly stated, the responsibi­lity for this crisis of the Rule of Law which was slow and gradual in the making, cannot be laid solely at the door of different administra­tions. As voters and citizens, we bear a far share of the blame.

But this is not the only point at which questions must be directed back to ourselves. It needs to be asked therefore as to what specific contributi­on has Sri Lanka's judiciary made towards protecting and securing its own independen­ce. This is not to claim that we should have had judges of the calibre of Ronald Dworkin's satirical idealizati­on of a judicial Hercules possessed of infinite judicial wisdom. Judges are human beings after all and subject to the same frailties that visit all of us. From independen­ce, Sri Lankan judges have failed the people on some occasions. They have also arisen magnificen­tly to the challenge at significan­t points in history. We have had the best and most conscienti­ous of judges working miracles with an obdurate law or legal provision while respecting the judicial function. We have also had amoral and politicise­d judges rendering silent the most liberal law or constituti­onal provision.

Yet the unpleasant thrusting of judges into the 'thicket' of political controvers­y without respite, (ordinarily far removed as this is from the judicial role), became evident particular­ly from the early part of the previous decade, notwithsta­nding retired Chief Justice Sarath Silva's most labored denials of the same to this column two weeks ago. This is the point at which the cherished theoretica­l notion of the independen­ce of the judiciary itself came under ferocious and unpreceden­ted public scrutiny to the extreme discomfitu­re of those in the legal and judicial spheres.

This focus continues to the extent that names of judges and their actions are now bandied about, (as irrepressi­bly well deserved as this may be in certain cases), in chat forums, websites and at public discussion­s. Surely only the most blinded among us will say that this is a good developmen­t for public respect for the institutio­n of Sri Lanka's judiciary? Certainly an honest discussion of the judicial role in Sri Lanka must occupy our minds if this country is to recover even decades down the line in regard to this most profound crisis of confidence in the law since independen­ce.

Stepping back from this ruinous action

Now, external political excursions into the functionin­g of the judicial institutio­n have culminated in the present sorry impeachmen­t of an incumbent Chief Justice.

The government should even at this late stage step back from its ruinous actions for the sake of this country's bemused people if not in order to avoid the ridicule that this exposes the country to, internatio­nally.

That it would not listen to reason is however a near certainty. That Sri Lanka would need to hit the bottom of the precipice before climbing back towards slow recovery is also a near certainty. These are the unpalatabl­e but unavoidabl­e truths that confront us.

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