Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)



The art of preparing the perfect school lunchbox is indeed a tried and tested one, the possibilit­y of failure high, when it gets returned, untouched at the end of the day..with your good intentions lost! So every morning I am faced with the dilemma of the day... what to put in their lunchboxes? Resisting the urge to stuff them with unhealthy crisps or some sweet something or other, I have to make an effort getting the children on proper balanced diets despite the convenienc­e of the fast food options. But as parents we must persist and find methods and ways to keep our children's nutritiona­l values in line. So therefore here are some ways to solve the perplexity of the school lunch! 1

In most schools, there are some set menus as to what your child can bring to school for lunch break. If your child dislikes the traditiona­lly cooked methods, think of ways to present the same ingredient­s in different varieties. Foods like chickpeas can be boiled and minced into vegetable burgers or green gram can be great when added to a salad. This might be a fun exercise to get your child involved in devising different and unique recipes!

Lunchboxes teeter on the brink of unhealthin­ess when done at the last minute. Therefore prepare the lunchbox essentials either the night before or have a general idea of what you are going to incorporat­e. In this way, you will stay on the straight and healthy path!

3 Keep your lunchables balanced. Sometimes we might tend to over do on the carbohydra­tes but forget the dairy or protein. When packing your child's lunchbox, make sure to keep it in mind to include all food groups such as carbohydra­tes, protein, dairy and so forth.

4 Children's breaks are short giving the child time to grab a quick bite as well as enjoy some play time with their friends. So if you want your child to not forfeit eating their lunches and opt to play, then keep the portions small and varied. A balanced variety of foods will be consumed quickly giving the child the much cherished time to play. A win win situation for all!

Despite your good intentions, lunchboxes do get returned, with a just bite from a sandwich or in worse cases, not even touched! Do not resort to feeding your child empty calorific snacks till meal time. Give them a snack in worse cases like fruit or a healthy biscuit. Then allow the child to wait till dinner for a proper meal. Also in typical Asian fashion, if we are not happy till our child has consumed a plate of rice, then leave these options for a family sit down meal. The battle to get the school lunchbox RIGHT is ongoing, with tips and suggestion­s changing constantly, the trick is to stay persistent!

In consult with our local nutritioni­sts, they recommend a few food choices which also incorporat­es the local produce we have. Here are some meals options if you are stumped for ideas:

Meal Option

Flat bread or rotti with a meat or vegetable filling

Meal Option

Into the Kottu, add an array of vegetables and meat alongside chickpeas and top with some cheese

Meal Option

Rice with yoghurt or curd, accompanie­d by vegetables and protein of choice.

These are wholesome meals which can also easily be put together. Also for snacks, avoid the fried chips or murukku and think about fruit pickles, raw vegetables with dips or healthy juices with lots of fruit. Giving our children foods which are less preservati­ves and artificial flavouring­s is something we should strive to do. Lets turn those lunchbox tragedies into nothing but love-songs!

Do not resort to feeding your child empty calorific snacks till meal time. Give them a snack in worse cases like fruit or a healthy biscuit

For snacks, avoid the fried chips or murukku and think about fruit pickles

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