Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Protest to prevent students seeking re-admission

Four students of St. Thomas’ - Matara found drunk


Residents of the area including the members of the OBA of St.thomas’ College, Matara staged a protest opposite the school compelling the authoritie­s to prevent the re-admission of the four Grade 9 students who had consumed liquor during school hours.

Meanwhile, the parents of the four students who rushed to the scene had a heated argument with the protestors.

Commenting on the issue, Aruna Gunaratne, a member of the OBA who was also a Provincial Council member said the Matara St. Thomas’s College was a leading school in the area with a history of 175 years, and that it carried the reputation for high standard of discipline. He pointed out that it was a matter of serious concern that four students had consumed alcohol during school hours.

“It is sad that schoolchil­dren take to the bad habit of drinking. The principal, after a formal inquiry had expelled the four students. However, after considerin­g the future of them, they would be admitted to another national school. Meanwhile, the parents are attempting to get them re-admitted to the St.thomas’s College through political influence,” he lamented.

The parents of the four children said the principal had expelled them arbitraril­y and claimed they were innocent.

“The Ministry of Education held an inquiry into this and informed the principal to re-admit the four students, but he has organised a protest with the help of the OBA. Our children have been kept at home for five months,” they said.

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