Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Rising From A Corporate Graveyard


“Bad things happen because of what we did in good times and Good things happen because of what we did in bad times,” said Roberto C Goizueta, a Former CEO of The Coca-cola Company. It’s no secret or it is as clear as daylight that corporates often revisit their strategies and pitch for the future. If a corporate does not do that, it’s quietly digging its own grave, as competitio­n gallops forward with the current trends by doing just that. Ie. Revisiting their goals and strategies. It is also no secret that when a corporate revisits or restructur­es, there’s going to be some so called ‘dead wood’, that will end up in the corporate graveyard. In elite corporate terms, it can be termed a “Voluntary Retirement scheme” , “Garden leave “or a “Golden Handshake”. Sometimes, the ‘Voluntary’ may get dropped off from the scheme and a “Compulsory” may get added on, where the management picks and chooses, who stays and who goes. Whichever way it happens, several of the employees are going to be left in the corporate graveyard. So, how will you face it, if it hits you and how will you resurrect yourself? Let’s have a discourse. good comes to you because of the right steps you took in a bad time. Last but not least, remember the lesson and do what is right in good times too.


“Yes it has happened and it happened to me” should be the first step to recovery. I’ve seen ex-staff members who are discontinu­ed fighting against the corporate with their now merge savings or earnings, just to challenge the decision. The corporate has no issue challengin­g you dear, because they’ve got the company lawyers, company money and company time to do that. You’ve got a family to feed and that should be the primary thought in your mind. So, face reality – “Yes, it has happened to me”


This is going to be a neutral time. There are no highs and lows of corporate wins or losses. There is no strict time schedule to gallop from sunup to sundown. You don’t need to look over your shoulder cos’ no one is following you nor trying to stab you from behind. You don’t need to be anxious over how the boss’s mood is for the day, for he has already forgotten your face. Even the corporate good friends or the lunch-club may forget you as you cannot now contribute to their performanc­e even in a very small way and they don’t need you to survive. Even if they do meet you, don’t count on them being quite enthusiast­ic about it. Then, you will find this barren landscape of your corporate life to be, rather restful. A corporate plateau and yes, sometimes boring but very restful. Take advantage of it and let off all negative steam from the rather humbling experience that just hit you. Reflect, Relax and Renew.


Corporates, as corporates must do, create vision for themselves. We, the employees become a small piece in that big vision and if we are not alert enough to understand that WE, the people too can have a vision for ourselves, WE the people can easily get lost in the larger corporate vision. Well, if you are working for a company, yes you have to blend with the larger corporate vision. Sometimes, though, we lose ourselves and in case we end up in the corporate graveyard, we wonder what hit us! After all, we did all we can to blend with their vision, didn’t we? In case, this is you, now create a vision for your future. How you would pick yourself up and where you will take yourself, and the path that needs to be travelled on for that.


Only thing you may not have is a job – but you are you! Bruch up on your skills, take an internet course, enroll for a Diploma or a Degree. Learn something new and ensure your corporate wardrobe is still in good state and taste. Keep us with the latest trends in the corporate world. Explore the widening world of e-commerce or working from home. Spend more time with family, as you got some time now. Read and keep your mind agile and thinking. Do everything you can but, lick your corporate wounds for a by-gone era! Be ready to pounce on the next opportunit­y that’s offered to you. Oh, keep in shape.


Well, it happened! So what – and what can you do by hiding it! Neither do you need to shout about it from the rooftops but when you need help, you just need to ask and explain why you need it, now don’t you? Let me relate a short story. There was this mid-40’s executive who was laid off from work. He hid it from all those who are near and dear to him. Even to his wife. After the lay-off, each morning, he kissed her good-bye, and left home in the car (mortgaged) as is he was going to work. To his friends, he was overseas. His wife, a stay at home mum, who only knew to take care of her home. By and by, the executive spiraled downwards to debt and depression. One fine sunny morning, he drove his mortgaged car, right into the lake, by which side he had sat and spent his days, pondering over ‘what happened to me’. We don’t want that now, do we? So, when ego rises its nasty head, decapitate it and focus on reality and how you are going to turn it around. Be honest, primarily with your nearest and dearest. You will need them.


You see, every valley presents the opportunit­y of counting the next mountain. Now, aren’t you excited about it? Climbing a new mountain? Leave the deadwood where they are. Most will complain and mumble, ruminate and grumble. No, no, no – that’s not for you. You are the corporate warrior and you are going to BE the difference among all that deadwood. First things first. You will have your family with you. You still are quite skillful. You’ve accumulate­d experience by now. You’ve got your own network, if you were smart and savvy to do that. Most importantl­y, you’ve got all the time in the world to pick and choose, unless you are pushed to grab the very first opportunit­y, as finances may be running dangerousl­y low. If not, start looking around now. Check with your contacts. Apply to as many jobs as possible. Just the other day I read of a Sri Lankan millionair­e who owns several ships now, as having faced 250 interviews to start off as a clerical assistant in a small company. Howzaat for motivation? Just get going and keep going.


Leave the plateau, the corporate graveyard and leave the negative thinkers and nay-sayers there. Face the sunshine and experience life happening all around you. Work with that sensible vision you’ve created for yourself. Hold it as the first thought and the last thought of each day. Peruse, Pursue.

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