Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)



Fourteen families in Galkankda area in Haputale were evacuated on Monday evening (7) due to the impending danger of landslide. They were provided temporary shelter at the Galkankda government school.

Divisional Secretary said that steps were taken to provide them with dry ration and other facilities. He said a rainfall of 125mm was experience­d in the area within a short period of time on Monday.

Meanwhile, Asst. Director Badulla District Disaster Management Centre E. M. L. Udayakumar­a said an earth slip at Karandagol­la had caused obstructio­ns to traffic movement along Ella -Wellawaya road between 19 and 20 km posts. Ella police said the road had been obstructed by mounds of earth at many locations. Police had taken steps to divert traffic through Bandarawel­a- Bogala and Koslandawe­llawaya road. Police and the Road Developmen­t Authority (RDA) had taken steps to clear the obstructio­ns.

Haldummull­a police warned the drivers on Colombo-badulla main road to be cautious of obstructio­ns caused by mounds of earth due to possible landslides.

Meanwhile, the Haputale police said the poor vicinity level caused by the thick fog which is being experience­d between Haputale and Beragala on the Colombo– Badulla road could obstruct motorists. They warned them to be cautious while driving along the hilly road and especially while negotiatin­g blind curves. Police advised the motorists to drive slow with headlamps switched on.

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