Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)


- By Ilica Malkanthi Karunaratn­e

One can hardly call a it a protest when children are used as pawns to sling mud at political rivals in bad language, when leading participan­ts lick at popsicles and ice-cream, holding them up in glee and so on, and when others, whose brains appear to be more in their feet than where they should be, dance on the streets. It was nothing more, nothing less than the poorest possible imitation of carnival time in Brazil!

I have taken part in political protests many times, against the recent dictatorsh­ips, and other issues earlier on, which were undemocrat­ic, unjust, infringed on human rights and individual freedom. We usually wore white, sometimes mourning bands and walked in seriousnes­s, there was no laughing, dancing, eating ice-cream or other goodies, or using innocent children to achieve our objectives. If this was a protest against VAT and other issues that it was supposed to be against, why the carnival atmosphere? Others, once respected for their intellect seem to have now joined the jokers in the pack. This is probably because their pleas to be included in the National list of their party were ignored by President Sirisena, so they continue to talk utter drivel and level fabricated allegation­s against the Government in power. Anyone with an IQ over zero is aware that this Government has regained internatio­nal good will and has earned the respect of the world at large. Bans on travel to Sri Lanka have also been lifted thus increasing tourism. But some continue to challenge this in foolish statements. The wizard at arithmetic who said that a family can live on Rs 2, 500/- is still at it, giving his views on the economy which I doubt he understand­s or knows anything about, judging from his performanc­e when in power. The words they speak seem to leave their mouths before they have time to sort them out in their brains, as truth is a total stranger to their utterances!

This Government does not play one vast nation against another, but has friendly relation with all of them which is what a small country like ours has to do. Each time our Prime Minister is invited to speak at Internatio­nal forums abroad, often as Chief Guest and gets standing ovations,

Child Protection Authority must also take firm steps to stop this using of children for politics. He was, it is reported even kissed by a politician for doing what he was told to do!

the former ruler rushes off with a coterie of followers to other countries, where little notice is taken of him except among Sri Lankan supporters in those countries.

All mothers must protest at children being used by politician­s in this disgracefu­l way, taught to repeat slogans in bad language, hooting at political offices, when they should be studying or in some healthy sports activity. The Child Protection Authority must also take firm steps to stop this using of children for politics. He was, it is reported even kissed by a politician for doing what he was told to do! Politics may be a game to some, but like in other games, one must play by certain rules and standards. One cannot change rules. They are so used to taking the law into their hands and doing what they liked, milking the country dry that they cannot get used to being powerless. One cannot fool all the people all the time! Sincere champions of the people are propelled by a moral imperative to help the less fortunate and fight for truth and freedom. This Government can overcome challenges as both the President, Prime Minister and their team are focussed on what they want to achieve, they sincerely want to change things for the better and see that the poor are cared for in a better way. Both of them lead simple lives, unlike the earlier era of the waste of public funds for personal glory, extravagan­ce, pomp and grandeur that the former regime revealed in, especially for their own kith and kin. Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesi­nghe is with his usual competence and assurance, taking a straight, well defined path progressin­g confidentl­y to his visionary goals for the country and the gratificat­ion of the people. His power to analyse and apply theory to practice is outstandin­g and famed both nationally and internatio­nally.

Do they sincerely believe that people will forget the rampant corruption, the killing of journalist­s, and rugby players, the white vans, the injustice, the unfairness, favouritis­m of cronies who were appointed to high posts, the locking up of a war hero and treating him in an inhumane fashion by dancing on the streets and getting innocent children to shout indecent slogans? Now they shed crocodile tears and grumble about arrests, although they manage to get into hospitals. Did they think of the way Field Marshall Fonseka and his family suffered at the time at their treatment of him? One must always endeavour to treat others as one wants to be treated. That is the lesson of all religions. The Government has made some progress in relief for the people but we still have miles to go and promises to keep, mainly due to the excesses, corruption and misdeeds of the former regime. This and only this is the cause of delay of good fortune and progress for the country. This must never be forgotten. All wrongdoers must be speedily locked up for robbing the country in a myriad ways. Dogs may bark, but the caravan will and must move on.

The frantic pursue of regaining power by one rejected in the Presidenti­al election is disgracefu­l and has never been done in the democratic world. Perhaps he follows the example of the many dictators who are his friends. A repeat of his rule would have meant that democracy would have been forever overthrown. Destiny is patient and well planned. One cannot outrun your destiny for it will find you. You cannot fight fate for it bides its time and waits patiently for the right moment to reveal itself to you.

This must never be forgotten. All wrongdoers must be speedily locked up for robbing the country in a myriad ways. Dogs may bark, but the caravan will and must move on.

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