Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)



President Maithripal­a Sirisena said he had a huge amount of respect and confidence for the war-heroes of the country

The new government was ready to accept responsibi­lity for the security of the country and it has a strong confidence in the war heroes of this country. The President expressed these views about the forces during his observatio­n tour yesterday(24) at the Welikanda Security Forces Headquarte­rs.

The Commander of Army Major General Krishantha De Silva, Eastern Commander Major General Jagath Walgama welcomed the president when he visited army headquarte­rs yesterday morning. The guard of honor was also held to welcome the president.

Addressing the members of the army the President said he would not allow terrorism to re emerge in the country. He thanked and expressed his respect for the army for ending the 30 year scourge of terrorism and their duty for the security of the country.

Our security forces have been internatio­nally recognized as a discipline­d force and have done well in comparison with some countries. And many opportunit­ies are now open for there services in the Peace force of the United Nations and steps would be taken to felicitate our security forces engagement in these services, he said.

He also said the Security Council was instructed to prepare a new security plan in keeping the present needs of the country while the necessary facilities would be provided for better training and the use of modern technology to help their duties to be performed efficientl­y. He also stressed about his personal interest in improving the welfare activities given the security forces. A sandalwood sapling was planted to mark the president’s visit while a special souvenir was offered to be handed over to the President. Defence Secretary B.M.U Basnayaka was also present on the occasion.

He thanked and expressed his respect for the army for ending the 30 year scourge of terrorism and their duty for the security of the country

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