Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Message from Hon. Dr. Abdul Samad Abdullah, Minister of Foreign Affairs of The Republic of Maldives


On the joyous occasion of the 47th anniversar­y of our independen­ce, I am happy to extend my warm felicitati­ons and well wishes to all Maldivians living in Sri Lanka. As we celebrate the Independen­ce Day, we are reminded of the heroic efforts made by the Maldivian leaders to secure the independen­ce agreement with Britain. Throughout history, Maldivians have cherished their independen­ce. For, freedom and independen­ce provide the basis of every virtue. By gaining independen­ce, Maldivians wanted the freedom to shape their own destiny. They wanted the freedom to manage their relations with other people and countries as they had done for centuries. For, Maldivians have maintained excellent commercial ties with nations of Indian Ocean rim for centuries, and Sri Lanka provided the gateway for that trade, and continues to remain an important and a favourite destinatio­n for Maldivians.

In fact, relations between the Maldives and Sri Lanka can be narrated more comprehens­ively at people to people level. Although the Maldives has the smallest economy in South Asia, we host more than 8000 Sri Lankans as expatriate workers. This is a significan­t proportion of the labour force in the Maldives. In this regard, I am happy to note that Maldivian companies are now working towards recruiting more skilled workers from Sri Lanka in various profession­s.

Sri Lanka has always been an important destinatio­n for Maldivian students. Several Maldivian leaders received their education in schools and colleges in Sri Lanka. And it is no surprise that these leaders have always had a soft corner for Sri Lanka.

During the last fortyseven years Maldivians have made important strides in improving their living standards and in expanding our contacts with outside world. From being one of the poorest countries in the world, the Maldives today is proud to be one of the fast developing middle-income countries in Asia. As a nascent democracy, the Maldives is experienci­ng difficult challenges. Our political leaders, regardless of their political persuasion­s, are committed to overcome the challenges through dialogue and through national mechanisms.

The Maldives has also expanded its internatio­nal outreach in recent years. We have been, and will continue to be, active in important global issues, such as human rights and climate change. And we have forged important collaborat­ions with Sri Lanka in finding meaningful solutions to these issues in internatio­nal fora. The Maldives will continue to work closely with Sri Lanka on important regional and internatio­nal issues, and will forge enduring partnershi­ps in the years to come.

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