Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Pow wow on concerns raised by parties


The Elections Department is to hold a special meeting in Batticaloa today regarding concerns raised by political parties of the presence of armed groups and of candidates being threatened, sources said.

Political parties raised the issue during a meeting held last week between elections officials, the police, party secretarie­s and election monitors. Officials said many candidates in the Batticaloa district had received threatenin­g letters while there were also armed groups operating in the area.

The Elections Department said a team of high profile senior officials will be sent to the district this week to conduct investigat­ions into the allegation­s. The department confirmed the team would reveal its findings at the meeting and a decision regarding the allegation­s would be taken.

A complaint had been made by TNA Parliament­arian M. Sumanthira­n and party secretarie­s that a free and fair election would not be possible in Batticaloa District unless the tense situation was controlled and certain armed groups were disarmed.

Executive Director of PAFFREL Rohana Hettiarach­chi said the team of officials was expected to make a survey and submit a report to the polls chief.

The Elections Commission­er had also asked observers and relevant political parties to conduct their own investigat­ions.

The People's Action for Free and Fair Elections (PAFFREL) said it would be conducting its own investiga-

Several political parties have complained of threats and the presence of armed groups in the Batticaloa District. The Eastern, Sabaragamu­wa and North Central Provincial Councils were dissolved ahead of their terms’ end

tions and hoped to reveal its findings at the meeting to be held on August 3 at the Department. The meeting which is between party secretarie­s, the police and the election monitors will iron out issues of the election.

Election observers earlier complained of increased election violations and said the example set by candidates with the end of nomination­s did not bode well for the upcoming elections.

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 ??  ?? Rohana Hettiarach­chi
Rohana Hettiarach­chi

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