Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Govt. violating the rule of law: Herath


The Janatha Vimukthi Peramauna (JVP) yesterday accused the government of violating the rule of law and hampering the education system in Sri Lanka while forcing the public into economic frustratio­ns and poverty.

These views were expressed by the JVP MP Vijitha Herath at a press briefing held yesterday.

Mr. Herath said: “The government has destroyed the faith people had in the rule of law. During various occasions the person with

The government has destroyed the faith people had in the rule of law.

executive powers had interfered with the judiciary. He made the Attorney General withdraw a case of a government MP who was accused of murder, while also on numerous occasions criminals who were punished under the law were freed from prison under the president’s pardon. The minis- ters of this government threaten the police and the judiciary”.

He further said that the law of this country is trying to bury the real circumstan­ces regarding the murder of Nimal Ruban who died inside the Mahara prison and urged the government to create a situation in the country where these institutio­ns would be able to implement the law freely.

The JVP MP claimed that the Power and Energy Minister who boasted saying that Sri Lanka is the only nation in the world which provides power supply to the people throughout the day has started to cut electricit­y because of the minister’s wrong judgment and stupidity which has resulted in causing damages to the equipments of the Norochchol­ai and Kerawalapi­tiya power stations.

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