Costa Blanca News

Spain recognises Palestinia­n statehood

- By Dave Jones

CABINET approved the recognitio­n of the State of Palestine on Tuesday.

Foreign minister José Manuel Albares described it as a 'historic milestone'.

He said that it is a day 'when our country says that indifferen­ce is unthinkabl­e in the face of suffering, and that peace, solidarity, commitment and trust in humanity are possible'.

The minister argued that this is 'an act of justice towards the Palestinia­n people, an essential measure to guarantee Israel the security it rightfully demands and the only viable path to peace in the region'.

"The Palestinia­n people have a right to a future of hope, just as the people of Israel have a right to a future of peace and security," he said.

"And after so many decades of pain and confrontat­ion, we know that there cannot be one without the other."

Sr Albares claimed that the

entire internatio­nal community, including Israelis and Palestinia­ns themselves, 'knows that the solution to the Middle East conflict lies in the existence of two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security'.

The State of Palestine was also recognised by Norway and Ireland on the same day and brings the number of countries that share this position to 146.

The foreign minister said the recognitio­n reflects the feelings of Spanish society, which 'advocates peace, believes in internatio­nal law and maintains close ties with all Mediterran­ean peoples'.

The decision, he added, also reflects the will of the Spanish Parliament, which on November 18, 2014 approved a nonlegisla­tive proposal in favour of the recognitio­n of Palestine as an independen­t state.

On the timeliness of the measure, Sr Albares said: "We cannot wait any longer to adopt it because since the terrorist attacks against Israel on October 7 there have been more victims than in all previous outbreaks of violence."

He also pointed out that this is the oldest unresolved problem the UN has ever faced.

"Hundreds of thousands of people, children and entire families are right now as I speak deprived of food, water, medicine, shelter and, above all, they are in fear for their lives," said Sr Albares.

He added that more than 100 hostages are still in the hands of Hamas and that 'violence has taken the lives of 1,200 Israelis, including two compatriot­s, and more than 35,000 Palestinia­ns'.

The Spanish government is committed to continue on this path with initiative­s such as the holding of an internatio­nal peace conference 'as soon as possible after the violence ends'.

Spain has already establishe­d diplomatic relations with Palestine, which has a mission in Madrid, and has stated that diplomatic relations with the country will continue to be conducted through diplomats at the Spanish Consulate in Jerusalem.

Spain is recognisin­g a unified Palestinia­n state, including the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, under the Palestinia­n National Authority with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Madrid would not recognise any changes to pre-1967 borders unless agreed to by both parties.

Israel has condemned the decision, saying it bolsters Hamas.

Israeli foreign minister Israel Katz claimed Spain was 'complicit in incitement to genocide against the Jewish people and in war crimes' by recognisin­g a Palestinia­n state.

 ?? Photo: Moncloa ?? Minister for foreign affairs José Manuel Albares
Photo: Moncloa Minister for foreign affairs José Manuel Albares

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