Costa Blanca News

Missing dad rescued from cliff

Crisis negotiator helped to guide the man to safety

- By Shelley Liddell

GUARDIA Civil rescued a missing man who was found on a difficult to access cliff in El Campello.

Last Tuesday, a man went to the Guardia Civil station in San Juan to report that his father had been missing since Monday. The complainan­t said his father was not at home or at the family’s second home, and his car was not there either.

Officers first checked video surveillan­ce cameras near the missing man's home and in neighbouri­ng towns to trace his last steps, which led them to Cala Palmeretes in El Camthanked pello, where they found his vehicle.

Given the seriousnes­s of the situation and the possibilit­y that the missing person was in the area, the Guardia Civil launched an extensive search operation by land, sea and air.

Numerous patrols based in San Vicente del Raspeig were joined by local police in El Campello, the mountain rescue and interventi­on team (EREIM) from Ontinyent, the Alicante province maritime service and the Valencia region air service helicopter.

The helicopter located the missing man, who was camouflage­d among the rocks of an inaccessib­le cliff, at around 19.15 the same day.

Because the victim was in distress, it was deemed necessary to mobilise the crisis negotiator from the Alicante judicial police unit (UOPJ).

While a patrol boat from the maritime rescue service viewed the victim from the sea, the negotiator, together with members of the mountain rescue team, guided the missing person in a careful and detailed manner to bring the rescue operation to a successful conclusion.

The rescue operation ended

at around 01.00 last Wednesday, when the rescued man was taken to San Juan de Alicante Hospital for an initial medical examinatio­n.

Afterwards, his son, who accompanie­d the officers throughout the operation,

the Guardia Civil for their quick and efficient action.

The Guardia Civil reminded the public to report missing persons as soon as possible so that they can act as quickly and efficientl­y as possible.

 ?? Photo: Guardia Civil ?? The man being escorted to safety
Photo: Guardia Civil The man being escorted to safety

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