Costa Blanca News

Bid to slow ‘ massive increase’ in street cat population­s

- By Jack Troughton and Dave Jones news@ cbnews. es

TOWN halls are using provincial government funds to try to get to grips with their feral cat colonies.

In Jávea, almost € 11,000 is being made available for their ‘ trap, neuter and release’ campaign.

The council met with three animal charities in the town – APASA, Catland, and Jávea Feral Cat Associatio­n – to discuss the ‘ public health problem’.

The town hall has set aside € 7,000 to help tackle the ‘ proliferat­ion’ of strays in the town – to go with a € 3,700 grant from the Alicante provincial government.

Authorised clinics will neuter captured cats which are returned to their colonies after

the operation.

Mayor José Chulvi and councillor for services Kika Mata met with representa­tives of the animal charities to dishanded

cuss a joint strategy for the ‘ difficult issue’ – and the associatio­ns' aim to rescue kittens and find them a foster home.

A grant of € 12,094 has been to Torrevieja town hall to sterilise their colonies of street cats.

Councillor for animal protection, Concha Sala said it would allow them to neuter 185 of the animals.

The cats will be taken to local veterinary practices for the operation, she noted.

Sra Sala said there had been a ‘ massive increase’ in the birth of street cats, which she blamed on the previous local government in Torrevieja.

The measure would help them to crack down on the rapid growth of population­s, she added.

“Castration is the only measure that we are contemplat­ing to reduce the number of street cats in the municipali­ty,” stated the councillor.

 ??  ?? Street cat population­s are growing
Street cat population­s are growing

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