Costa Blanca News

Benasque winter walks - part II

- By Dave Jones

TODAY’S walk – the ‘ruta de los tres barrancos’ – is an easy route from Benasque which makes use of the lower slopes of the Tuca del Mon, the mountain which stands to the west of the town. As the name suggests, it takes in three ‘barrancos’ (ravines), with short wooden footbridge­s ensuring that very little height-loss occurs at any point.

It’s a route which can be done at any time of year, but great care should be taken if snow is on the ground or following heavy frosts. The path offers fantastic views of the peaks from its higher points. It’s a 4.5km route which is well signposted and includes 250 metres of ascent.

The route

To get to the start point, follow the road away from the town centre (south towards Anciles). Cross the bridge over the River Ésera, then turn immediatel­y right to head up the hill on the street, Camino Campale, noting the signpost for the ‘tres barrancos’ on the left. Walk to the end of Camino Campale, passing the Hotel Rural Vallibiern­a.

Turn left here, onto a path, to start the ascent. The first point of interest is the natural spring – the Fuente de Esquirisue­les. After gaining some height, the path bears right to follow the skirts of the mountain, above Benasque. This is where the wonderful views north to the giant peaks of the Maladeta Massif begin.

The path comes to a series of short wooden ‘bridges’ which help passage through the first of the shallow ravines – the ‘Barranco dels Molinasos’. The path now runs straight and reaches the very shallow Barranco Sobarriba.

A couple more short wooden walkways help progress on the path before it reaches the last of the shallow ravines, the Barranco de la Tuca del Mon. At a sign post and a cairn there is a fork left (and up) which allows the intrepid walker to explore some of the ravine if they wish, a steep climb with ever improving views. Close to the top of the ravine erosion has decimated the path and frustratin­gly it is no longer possible to reach an attractive-looking vantage point.

The ‘tres barrancos’ route does not take in this off-shoot but continues straight on and begins the descent back towards the town. At the end of the descent there is another sign indicating a right turn onto the Camino del Rallá. From here a track follows the right bank of the Ésera river. Arriving at a humpback bridge, turn left to cross the Ésera and enter Benasque. Turn right to head through the town back to the start point.

 ??  ?? Above Benasque the footpath offers views up to the giants of the Maladeta Massif
Above Benasque the footpath offers views up to the giants of the Maladeta Massif
 ??  ?? The last of the shallow ravines is the 'Tuca del Mon'
The last of the shallow ravines is the 'Tuca del Mon'
 ??  ?? Finishing the walk near the river
Finishing the walk near the river
 ??  ?? The 'tres barrancos' route is well signposted
The 'tres barrancos' route is well signposted

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