Costa Blanca News

Deal struck to run Spain

Negotiatio­ns have now started with other parties to secure a government

- By Ciaran Giles and Barry Hatton, Associated Press

The Socialist party (PSOE) and Unidas Podemos announced an agreement to run the country on Tuesday

THE LEADERS of the Socialist party (PSOE) and Unidas Podemos reached a preliminar­y agreement on Tuesday to form a coalition government, two days after a general election which was called to try to break months of political deadlock.

But the deal will not provide enough votes in parliament for both parties to take office without the support of other groups.

Incumbent Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez's left-ofcentre Socialists won 120 seats in Sunday's ballot but fell far short of a majority in the 350-seat chamber.

Unidas Podemos (UP) got 35 seats.

In a joint appearance, Sr Sanchez and UP leader Pablo Iglesias said that under the deal Sr Sanchez would be prime minister and Sr Iglesias his deputy in a future government.

They started talks with other parties to get more support this week.

A lack of agreement between the two after a general election in April was one of the main reasons why Sr Sanchez was forced to call Sunday's election, the fourth in as many years.

The two cited mutual distrust as the reason for not reaching a deal back then.

On Tuesday, they were all smiles as they signed the agreement in front of television cameras and hugged at the end.

Unidas Podemos has traditiona­lly taken a more radical approach than the centre-left Socialists.

The party grew out of protests against austerity measures during Europe's debt crisis.

"Spain needs a stable government, not an interim one, a solid one not a trial one, and it needs it now," Sr Sanchez said.

He said the accord was aimed at lasting the statutory four-year term.

Pony-tailed Sr Iglesias wore jeans and an opennecked shirt to the signing ceremony, contrastin­g with Mr Sanchez's dark blue suit and tie.

Promising a progressiv­e government, Sr Iglesias said it would work to use negotiatio­ns to resolve Spain's territoria­l crisis and for social justice as ‘the best vaccine against the extreme right’.

Spain is undergoing its worst political crisis in decades with the secession conflict in the north-eastern region of Cataluña, which has fuelled a resurgence of extreme nationalis­m in the form of the far-right Vox party, which won 52 seats in the election to become Spain's third parliament­ary force.

Both politician­s said they will announce detailed policies at a later date.

The two will have to strike deals chiefly with regional parties and smaller leftist groups.

The deal was immediatel­y dismissed by the Vox party as well as the main opposition conservati­ve Partido Popular (PP), which won 88 seats.

Newly elected parliament­arians will select a house speaker in early December and then talks between King Felipe VI and party leaders will begin so that one of them, most likely Sr Sanchez, will be called on to try to form a government.

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Pedro Sánchez voting on Sunday

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