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Five minutes with .... Joe Lycett


Joe Lycett's Got Your Back sees the Brummie comedian, 30, take on the British public's consumer complaints. It's a show he's loved making but, as Georgia Humphreys finds out, the challenge was getting the tone right.

What can we expect from Joe Lycett's got your back?

I'm describing it as a "sexy Watchdog". It's a consumer show with a difference, and the difference is that it's, hopefully, funny.

The idea of it being funny isn't just us being frivolous and that we're just trying to do something light and airy which we are trying to do, we're trying to make an entertaini­ng programme - but actually comedy, in my experience, can be a very effective weapon.

Why are you the right person to present this show?

I don't comment on politics too much, mainly because I'm not an expert by any means, and I change my opinion of things all the time.

But I know when I feel cross about a company or when I feel cross that someone's been wronged, and those injustices make me sad.

That's where so much of my comedy has come from in the past, when people have been jobsworths or they've scammed people. I just think that's unfair.

You have some profession­als helping you out too...

I've sent some snarky emails but I've got no knowledge of the law. The production company Rumpus said we should get a proper consumer team on this, who have worked on shows like Watchdog.

It means that we are so well researched and so legally watertight that we know exactly where they're going wrong. But they also know what we can do in terms of being silly and taking the mick, as well.

You have real case studies come on the show. Can you give an example?

We had some appalling situations where people have lost thousands of pounds; we had a girl on who had her life savings taken from her by fraudsters. We play a clip of her finding out all that money has gone, and it's harrowing to listen to. With that particular case we really went for them, and really tried our best to get that money back for her.

Was it a challenge getting the tone of the show right?

Absolutely. It is a fine line to juggle and I hope we've done it sensitivel­y. But all of our contributo­rs have contacted our show knowing that it's me, knowing that it's a comedy show. They've gone through official channels, they've complained to the company, they've gone to ombudsmen and they've not got anywhere. So, in some ways, we're their last resort and sometimes the last resort has actually worked.

What's your biggest pet peeve when it comes to customer service?

Oh my god, where to start! I think it's when you get that real sense of 'they're not listening to you', so you're explaining that there's something wrong with what they've done or with the product that they've sold you, and they stick to their script and dig their heels in. That is infuriatin­g.

How nerve-racking is it leading this show?

We are making a new show with a new format. And it's quite complicate­d to straddle the line between taking things seriously, and then the silliness towards the end of the stories; there's lots of things to factor in. But I've had nothing else on while we've made this show, and when we're not filming, I've been in the office every day, making sure we are getting it absolutely right.

When I've fallen in love with other people, it's quite a vulnerable space, and sometimes you get hurt. And I'm like, 'I love this show so much, I don't want it to hurt me!' But I don't think it will - I think the joy and the excitement and the victories come across on screen, and I hope that comes across to people at home.

And what's next for you?

Going on tour in Australia and New Zealand, then I've got a Radio 4 programme that I'm working on. And, a bit of time off. Hopefully going to go round Europe a little bit, I've got loads of stag dos this year... Eurgh, I don't do well on stag dos!

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 ??  ?? Celebrity guest Kathy Burke and presenter Joe Lycett
Celebrity guest Kathy Burke and presenter Joe Lycett
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