Costa Blanca News

De-privatisat­ion 'within days'

Regional president promises action before elections

- By Samantha Kett

‘URGENT’ steps may be taken to de-privatise Dénia hospital ahead of the regional government elections on May 26 if a deal cannot be struck with the management company.

Valencian president Ximo Puig (PSOE, or socialists) says talks have begun with Marina Salud – made up of the firm Ribera Salud, which ran Alzira (Ribera Alta) hospital until last April, and German health insurer DKV – on how to proceed.

But if Marina Salud’s conditions are ‘too demanding’, says Puig, then the regional government will force a buyback.

This would be a last resort, as it could cost millions and may involve a hefty penalty for breaking the contract ahead of its expiry date on January 1, 2023, but it appears the initial idea of the regional health authoritie­s’ acquiring the majority of the firm’s shares has been ruled out.

Puig insists that returning the Dénia department of health to public hands is ‘a firm commitment’ which will be achieved ‘within days’, since government­s and councils will soon have to stop any major plans to avoid falling foul of anti-electionee­ring rules.

The president says he ‘would prefer dialogue and a mutual agreement’ rather than ‘conflict’, but that the company looks set to impose ‘red lines’ in financial terms.

If these ‘go beyond what is reasonable’, Valencian health minister Ana Barceló’s department will ‘start the ball rolling’ on a public buy-back.

Puig says the regional government is entitled to do this if a deal cannot be agreed with a private franchise company running a public service.

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