Zululand Observer - Monday

EShowe Rotary milestones celebrated

- Larry Bentley

AFTER nearly 60 years of service to the uMlalazi community by the eShowe Rotary Club, 40 years of classroom building in Zululand in partnershi­p the eShowe Community Action Group (ECAG) and 10 years of support by the Africa Classroom Connection from the USA, Rotarians, community members and friends gathered at the eShowe Hills Eco-Estate last Thursday to celebrate the milestones.

Guests included Princess Dr Gcwalisile Kabanyane (daughter of the late Prince Gideon Zulu), her husband Dr Sidima Kabanyane (former Municipal Manager of the Drakenstei­n Municipali­ty), Mari Maurstad (founder of the Zulufadder Children’s Trust), Dr Jethro Mdlalose (ECAG Chairman), Henry Bromelkamp (Africa Classroom Connection Director) and Rotary District 9370 past district governors, presidents and members of local clubs.

Local assistance

If one visits schools in the uMlalazi district, especially around Mbongolwan­e,

Nqoleni and KwaKhoza, one will notice that most have classrooms and laboratori­es donated by ECAG.

This group cannot be mentioned without Prince Gideon Layukona Zulu wakwaMinya­mazi emzini wakwa Ziphethe.

He mobilised business people and farmers to champion the education of rural children in uMlalazi.

Education, water and sanitation, food security and economic developmen­t remain the pillars of existence.

The crèche in King

Dinizulu was also built by ECAG in 1990.

 ??  ?? At the celebratio­ns were Rotary past governors David Grant, Richard and Sonia Brookes, President Charlie Panday, past governor Greg Cryer, President Jeff Shinns and wife Hazel and past governor Nick Phillips
At the celebratio­ns were Rotary past governors David Grant, Richard and Sonia Brookes, President Charlie Panday, past governor Greg Cryer, President Jeff Shinns and wife Hazel and past governor Nick Phillips
 ??  ?? Jonno Chennells with Ingelore and Ossie Wellman toast Rotary’s success
Jonno Chennells with Ingelore and Ossie Wellman toast Rotary’s success
 ??  ?? Founder of the Africa Classroom Connection, Henry Bromelkamp, ECAG Chairman Dr Jethro Mdlalose and past governor Nick Phillips
Founder of the Africa Classroom Connection, Henry Bromelkamp, ECAG Chairman Dr Jethro Mdlalose and past governor Nick Phillips
 ??  ?? Fergus and Fiona Upfold
Fergus and Fiona Upfold

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