YOU (South Africa)


Two sets of clues but the answers are the same



ACROSS 1 Could be a flash on one who’s with-it (11) 8 Roguish quality of search the Poles carry out (8) 9 One needs a drop of ink to make it (4) 10 Tries to have matches between countries (5) 13 Cutting it is why one is nervous to be on it maybe (4) 16 A corner one hasn’t got approval for (4) 17 It will lose relish, such rich cloth from the past (4) 18 A long way away, military leader will work the land (4) 20 Boasts of having the right to wear the trousers (5) 24 Before long one’s boy will have nothing to hold (4) 25 Can try, in the confusion, to be like a despot (8) 26 In a Berkshire school what pupils sit at is a lectern (7,4) DOWN 2 A feature of building that may go over one’s head (4) 3 For this reason it is included in a heathen ceremony (5) 4 The start of one’s conversion takes time (5) 5 It is a ruminant’s third stomach, according to the Good Book (5) 6 It is rigid, difficult and firmly fixed (4-3-4) 7 He gets high while he’s at work, which may be constructi­ve (11) 11 It’s something that grows, this rum and fruit juice drink (5) 12 Weller took a degree for dance (5) 14 An even result may be the attraction (4) 15 We find ourselves about to be sullen (4) 19 How upset a man is about one such craze (5) 21 Artificial silk or any mixture of it (5) 22 A bodily structure it’s good to come down on (5) 23 Models of industry most naturalist­s can show up (4)


ACROSS 1 Modish (11) 8 Waggish quality (8) 9 Remove excess ink (4) 10 Puts to proof (5) 13 Rim (4) 16 Cosy corner (4) 17 Cloth spread over coffin (4) 18 Agricultur­al establishm­ent (4) 20 Blusters, boasts (5) 24 Shortly (4) 25 Like an oppressor, bully (8) 26 Lectern (7,4) DOWN 2 Chief, principal (4) 3 Begone! (5) 4 The beginning (5) 5 Holy Scripture (5) 6 Rigidly laid down and adhered to (4-3-4) 7 One repairing high chimneys etc (11) 11 Low woody plant (5) 12 Brazilian dance (5) 14 Extract tooth (4) 15 Sullen, grim (4) 19 Madness (5) 21 Artificial silk fibre (5) 22 A secreting structure (5) 23 Emmets (4)

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