YOU (South Africa)

5 easy steps to edit your closet


Do you really need 10 white shirts?


Start small. We all have socks that’ve lost their partners along the way and we keep them in the hope that their mate shows up. So start by throwing away unmatched, worn socks. Put together the ones that match and are in a good condition. You can even arrange them according to colour. When you’re done, move on to underwear, and work your way up to other items. TIP Keep a sock bag to keep dirty socks separate from other laundry. Give each person in the household their own bag.


Go through your cupboard and take out items you haven’t worn in a while or have no intention of wearing again. Be ruthless. Look out for duplicates. Do you really need 10 white shirts? If you haven’t worn something for a year, it’s time to purge. Sort everything into two piles. Your favourite items go onto the “keep” pile.

Clothes that you haven’t worn for a long time go onto the “donation” pile. Since you can’t leave your house and drop off donations immediatel­y, start a donation box and add items you don’t need anymore. You can box it up and stash it out of the way. When things return to normal, make it a priority to deliver it to a charity of your choice. Doing something nice for someone else makes us feel good during times of uncertaint­y.


Work with the clothes you love wearing and build a wardrobe around them. If you’re into tracksuit bottoms at the moment, pair them with a presentabl­e or smart T-shirt or knit so you can still be comfy yet stylish.

Try not to wear the same pants a few days in a row. Make a change. Swop to jeans or comfortabl­e pants and pair them with a golf T-shirt. Bring in some colour to brighten your look. Hang these wardrobe heroes together to make it easy for you to style.


Start with what you have. Take 10 of your favourite items out of your closet and make them the basis of your look. Build outfits around them Your favourite jeans can be paired with a cosy knit or a quirky T-shirt.

If you’re opting for a dress, team it with a chunky cardigan for a cool at-home look. Try to plan an outfit for each day. That way you prepare yourself mentally for the day ahead. Dress to lift your mood. TIP Clothing that you wear most, such as tops and jeans, should be the most accessible in your closet.


Bring bright colours where you can see them easily. Colour generally brings about positivity and light.

Group similar colours together. Do the same with the rest of your wardrobe.

It would be smart to group items such as dresses, pants and shirts together.

Tuck off-season items in the back of your cupboard if you don’t have enough storage space. Take your time with this process. There’s no need to rush and cause unnecessar­y anxiety.

Take it one day at a time. We have time now to do things we didn’t have time for before. Remember, we’ll go back to showing up and dressing up. TIP Grouping your items by categories makes it easier to know exactly what you have and where it is in your closet.

Arrange them by style, length and colour.

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