YOU (South Africa)



Late one afternoon as he’s closing up his shop a butcher notices a dog has walked in. He’s about to chase the animal out when he sees there’s a note in its mouth. He takes the note and reads: “Can I have a steak and three pork sausages please?”

The butcher puts a steak and sausages in a packet and as he turns around he sees the dog has a R100 note in his mouth. He takes the note, after which the dog grabs the meat and saunters off. The butcher, astounded, closes up his shop and decides to follow the amazing dog.

The pair soon come to a bus stop. The dog looks at the bus schedule and sits down on the bench. When a bus arrives the dog gets up, trots around to the front of the bus, looks at the number, returns to the bench and sits down. Another bus arrives. Again the dog looks at the bus number. This time the dog gets on and takes a seat. The butcher follows him.

After the bus has rumbled on its route for a few kilometres the dog jumps up and goes to the front of the bus. At the next stop it gets off. The butcher follows.

The dog walks up to a house about a block away, puts the packet of meat on the front step and bangs its head against the door. When no one opens the dog hops up on a fence and peers through a window. Then the dog walks around to the back of the house and bangs its head against the kitchen door. Soon a man opens, notices the dog and starts to shout at it angrily.

The butcher can’t believe his ears. “What are you doing?” he says. “This dog is amazing!”

“Not really,” the guy says, “this is the second time this week he’s forgotten his key!”

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