Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Ongoing leadership woes derail NSFAS path to self-renewal


ONE of the greatest achievemen­ts of the post-colonial state in South Africa was the establishm­ent of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS).

There is no doubt that since its inception, the NSFAS has assisted hundreds of thousands of poor and middle-class students to gain access to higher education institutio­ns.

In fact, more than 900 000 students are benefiting from the scheme. It therefore makes sense that such a scheme should be preserved so that it can continue to benefit current and future generation­s.

The reality is that despite the great achievemen­ts of this scheme over almost three decades, like any other organisati­on, it has had its highs and lows. One of the lowest moments was its inability to pay beneficiar­ies on time, as well as the structural problems.

When Higher Education Minister Dr Blade Nzimande announced that a new board would be appointed, many people had hoped that the backlogs created under the past board would be a thing of the past.

The appointmen­t of various service providers who were tasked with the disburseme­nt of funds to beneficiar­ies

was a noble idea as it was expected to speed up the disburseme­nt of funds and minimise backlogs. It was also encouragin­g that the new board began cleaning the mess at the NSFAS by ensuring that the right beneficiar­ies received allowances.

In addition, it was encouragin­g to see that the scheme did sterling work in exposing corrupt tendencies where some of the students benefited unlawfully, thus depriving some of the working-class students from gaining access to higher education institutio­ns. It was clear that the scheme was on a path to self-renewal, with a view to ensuring that students could create a future for themselves.

The recent payment delays have shown that there is a need to appoint better leadership at the helm of the NSFAS.

The allegation­s that were levelled against the former CEO Andile Nongogo were of a serious nature and one hopes that the board will resolve the payment issue once and for all.

It is encouragin­g that the Special Investigat­ing Unit (SIU) and the standing committee on public accounts (Scopa) are investigat­ing the maladminis­tration. We trust that the board will be transparen­t and co-operate with the statutory bodies.

There is a need for the government to act swiftly and not wait for too long to address serious discrepanc­ies. Although the SIU and Scopa are hard at work, it appears that they have not had an opportunit­y to liaise with the former NSFAS CEO.

The former CEO had made serious allegation­s against the board and such matters need to be thoroughly ventilated in an open and transparen­t process.

It cannot be correct that we are subjected to only one view, that of the board, without the right of reply from Nongogo.

Scopa and the SIU should summon the former CEO in order to verify the authentici­ty of the media statements he made about the board chairperso­n and a senior government official allegedly hand-picking companies. We need to know the name of the senior government official.

The other matter that must be resolved speedily is the process of recovering the almost R5 billion that was disbursed to students who did not qualify. The students who benefited unduly should sign an acknowledg­ement of debt and pay back the money as soon as possible.

It is unacceptab­le to use state funds for the benefit of those who do not legally qualify. Yes, the issue of the “missing middle students” is serious and requires urgent attention, but until such time that the issue is resolved, there must be compliance from all stakeholde­rs within the terrain of higher education.

South Africa has some of the best policies in place. The challenge lies in implementa­tion. We must cultivate high-frequency leadership within a range of sectors.

Leaders with high-frequency leadership skills will not steal from the poor.

High-frequency leadership will have compassion for the destitute and help grow the economy of the country for the general well-being of all its citizens.

Students need financial support to further their dreams. Let us not allow such dreams to be shattered or held at ransom by individual­s who operate at a lower frequency level.

To ensure completene­ss, the matters that were dealt with by the SIU and Scopa should also be tabled at the portfolio committee on higher education, science and innovation for further scrutiny and processing.

 ?? HENDRICK MAKANETA ?? An education activist completing an LLB degree at the University of Pretoria
HENDRICK MAKANETA An education activist completing an LLB degree at the University of Pretoria

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