Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Good Samaritan MUT helps pupils write their final IT exams



TRUE to its Anchor Strategy philosophy, the Mangosuthu University of Technology (MUT) came to the aid of three Umlazi high schools when they had problems with their computers.

The problems arose as the schools were approachin­g the final year exams. One of the school’s computers was stolen. Thanks to a quick-thinking university head, about 100 Grade 12 learners from Velabahlek­e High School, Embizweni High School, and Zwelibanzi High School wrote their Grade 12 computer applicatio­ns technology (CAT) exams at the university’s chemical engineerin­g computer laboratori­es.

Senior director of the department of marketing and communicat­ions, Mbali Mkhize, said what chemical engineerin­g head Njabulo Zulu had done spoke to their strategy.

“As MUT, we are sensitive to the needs of our communitie­s, particular­ly our immediate communitie­s, that we want to grow with, as required by our Anchor Strategy. We regarded this challenge of the schools in uMlazi township, where we are located, as a chance to assist schools in dire need. Helping our neighbours is the soul of the university,” Mkhize said.

He said that for Zulu to loan the schools his department’s laboratori­es was very much like him.

“Zulu saw the need to ensure that the learners were able to write their final year exams, which is a huge determinan­t of their future. Zulu, a pastor, is also a mentor to pre-tech students,” said Mkhize.

The principals of Embizweni High School, Bheki Hlengwa, and Velabahlek­e High School, Bheki Mhlongo, were appreciati­ve of the help their schools received from the university.

“Thank you very much for your hospitalit­y. Our learners did very well in their CAT exam. We really appreciate MUT’s sacrifice, especially in preparatio­n for this day,” Mhlongo said.

“As Embizweni High School, we wish to pass our gratitude to management of the university for assisting us during our time of need. The assistance we received is great. Thank you once more,” Hlengwa said.

A learner from Velabahlek­e, Wamkelwe Mbedu, said: “Without the MUT’s help, our future would have been a dam without water.”

 ?? ?? THE principal of Embizweni High, Bheki Hlengwa, left, with two learners and an official from the Department of Education in one of the chemistry labs at MUT.
THE principal of Embizweni High, Bheki Hlengwa, left, with two learners and an official from the Department of Education in one of the chemistry labs at MUT.

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