Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

DJ Roger Goode on his worst date ever

- SAMEER NAIK sameer.naik@inl.co.za Q: A song title that describes your life currently is? A: Mgarimbe – Sister Bethina.

THIS week, we feature South African DJ and producer Roger Goode.

The 5FM DJ has hosted radio shows on FM, DAB, and online streams, live from some of the best party destinatio­ns in the world including Ibiza, New York and Paris.

He's explored the underbelly of Los Angeles as a host on MTV for the VMAs.

He has brought shows from a private jet on a world tour with Rihanna, from the Miami Winter Music Conference, music festivals, clubs, and house parties from all corners of the globe.

He has written soundtrack­s for films and commercial­s, music and sound effects for video games. He has created a wide range of content for multimedia agencies and has appeared on televised talent shows as a celebrity guest judge.

Goode currently hosts The Roger Goode Show, Monday to Thursday, 6pm to 7pm and Fridays, 6pm to 10pm.

Q: You can share the deck with any DJ around the world for a set. Who do you choose and why?

A: Powel Crosley jr. He surely would have had some cool tricks up his sleeve …

Q: What is one thing most people don't know about you?

A: I'm not a natural blond …

Q: You're on death row. You are given one last meal. What do you choose to have?

A: Mom's spaghetti.

Q: Tell us about the worst date you've ever been on.

A: (Through a mutual friend) Reluctantl­y, on a blind date, we discovered that we were related. Breakfast was weird.

Q: You can spend a day with any influentia­l South African learning his or her trade. Who do you choose to spend it with?

A: At the rate that I'm going, probably Riaan Cruywagen

Q: A wild night of partying or Netflix and chill?

A: Yes!

Q: The meal that most reminds you of your childhood is?

A: Crayons.

Q: A bar is designing a cocktail in honour of you. You get to choose the ingredient­s. What goes into the Roger Goode cocktail?

A: It could be a Goode old-fashioned virgin GNT, or lamotrigin­e, escitalopr­am and a dash of methylphen­idate hydrochlor­ide on the rocks … You'll never know!

Q: One thing that has caught your attention on social media in the past week is?

A: #witkant

 ?? ?? DJ and producer Roger Goode.
DJ and producer Roger Goode.

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