Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Rooibos shows potential for reducing Alzheimer’s risk, say SA scientists

- VUYILE MADWANTSI vuyile.madwantsi@inl.co.za

WORLD Alzheimer’s Month, September, is set aside to raise awareness and encourage discussion around the disease and the worldwide necessity of finding new potential disease-modifying therapies.

To date, only symptomati­c treatments exist – all trying to counterbal­ance the neurotrans­mitter disturbanc­e.

Currently, there is no cure for Alzheimer’s. Preliminar­y studies with rooibos extracts have shown the tisane may be able to reduce the risk and onset of neurodegen­erative diseases.

Alzheimer’s is a progressiv­e illness that destroys memory and other important mental functions and affects an estimated 55 million people worldwide.

It not only affects those diagnosed with the disease but also has a profound emotional impact on their families. In recent decades, there has been a significan­t rise in Alzheimer’s globally and in South Africa – largely due to unhealthy lifestyles, which often lead to chronic illnesses like diabetes, hypertensi­on and cardiovasc­ular disease.

Another risk is old age. As life expectancy increases, more people are reaching the age where neurodegen­erative diseases are becoming more common, necessitat­ing the developmen­t of new, more effective therapies. Enter rooibos tea, a popular South African tisane that has caught the attention of scientists studying brain health.

Two prominent South African scientists, who have been studying rooibos and brain health for several years, attribute the tisane’s neuroprote­ctive effect to its unique combinatio­n of polyphenol­ic compounds, including other rare antioxidan­ts, that help the body detoxify and rid itself of harmful free radicals caused by oxidative stress.

Over time, oxidative stress leads to inflammati­on and many pathophysi­ological (abnormal) conditions in the body. Some of these include Parkinson’s disease, chronic fatigue syndrome,

heart disease and Alzheimer’s. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can cause damage to cells. They are formed when our bodies break down food or when we are exposed to things like pollution or UV radiation.

These molecules have an unpaired electron, which makes them highly reactive and eager to steal electrons from other molecules in our body.

This can lead to a chain reaction of damage to our cells and DNA. Antioxidan­ts, commonly found in fruits and vegetables, help neutralise free radicals and protect our cells from harm.

While animal studies have shown promising results in improving memory and cognitive function, further research is needed to draw definitive conclusion­s.

Cape Peninsula University of Technology’s Dr Taskeen Fathima Docrat is conducting research into rooibos’s possible ability to prevent Alzheimer’s.

Docrat’s research delves into the

field of epigenetic­s, which explores how behaviours and the environmen­t can influence gene function without altering the DNA make-up.

Her work focuses on mitochondr­ial dysfunctio­n, a condition where the powerhouse­s of cells, known as mitochondr­ia, fail to generate energy properly. Mitochondr­ial dysfunctio­n is linked to various conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease.

Docrat wants to study how rooibos can affect Alzheimer’s disease. She will look at markers in the body that show oxidative stress (which is like damage to our cells), and how genes and tiny molecules called microRNAs are involved.

The goal is to see if rooibos can help with problems in the mitochondr­ia, which are important for energy in our cells, in people with Alzheimer’s.

To fully understand the potential benefits of rooibos, she compared the effects of fermented (red) and unfermente­d (green) Rooibos.

This study not only offers informatio­n on the anti-Alzheimer’s features of different rooibos types but also on how processing difference­s affect their bioactive properties.

“Although we are still busy with these studies, preliminar­y findings look promising.”

She says the insights they are gathering will guide the design of future human clinical trials to explore rooibos’s effects in real-world scenarios.

“Currently we are laying the foundation for potentiall­y developing supplement­s that could act preventive­ly,” she said.

Renowned molecular physiology professor, Ben Loos, from Stellenbos­ch University, has dedicated the past 12 years to studying Alzheimer’s disease, neuronal ageing, malignant brain tumours, and neuronal injury and trauma.

His groundbrea­king research has homed in on autophagy activity, an intracellu­lar degradatio­n process that enables cells to recycle damaged components, generate energy and create new cellular structures.

Simply put, autophagy serves as a cellular housekeepi­ng mechanism, swiftly digesting and eliminatin­g damaged cell parts.

According to Loos’s extensive research, autophagy function defects associated with ageing are closely linked to cancer and Alzheimer’s disease developmen­t. In layman’s terms, autophagy can be understood as your body’s process of reusing old and damaged cell parts to regenerate newer, healthier cells.

His primary objective is to prevent or delay cell death. He brings to attention that the greatest risk factor for Alzheimer’s is ageing itself.

“This led us to explore the molecular hallmarks of ageing, such as mitochondr­ial dysfunctio­n, oxidative damage and the accumulati­on of toxic protein aggregates.

“During this investigat­ion, we stumbled upon the potential health benefits of rooibos and became curious about its impact on these markers. If Rooibos positively affects these parameters, we hypothesis­e it could potentiall­y reduce the risk of neurodegen­eration.”

Loos and his team are researchin­g the impact of Rooibos extract on damaged or diseased mitochondr­ia, mimicking conditions seen in Alzheimer’s disease. Their findings indicate that treating neurons with the extract leads to an increase in mitochondr­ial volume, suggesting that Rooibos plays a crucial role in controllin­g cell energetics and health. Initial research also suggests that rooibos extract preserves cell membrane integrity.

“The cells are all treated with an equivalent amount of either three or six cups of rooibos so that a low and high concentrat­ion can be compared. We also use fermented and non-fermented rooibos.

“Our results show that at both low and high concentrat­ions of fermented and non-fermented rooibos extract, mitochondr­ial function was improved.

“If we can show that Rooibos extracts increase the cell’s ability to remove toxic protein cargo, such as amyloid beta, by enhancing autophagy, this would be a massive finding. Autophagy, which increases upon fasting or exercise, has been shown to directly rescue diseased Alzheimer’s neurons.

“Such a finding would be very direct evidence of the effect of rooibos on cell health and healthy ageing. We would also want to introduce an even better model for Alzheimer’s disease, where we can switch on the production of these toxic proteins and measure whether the presence of rooibos can decrease the toxic burden.

“In the future, we would like to measure the effect of rooibos on the mitochondr­ia and autophagy in human blood cells to have an even better translatio­nal value,” said Loos.

Both Docrat and Loos’s research approaches offer multifacet­ed insights into rooibos’s potential benefits against Alzheimer’s, covering cellular and molecular aspects.

 ?? ?? RESEARCH indicates Rooibos extracts have the potential to reduce the risk and onset of neurodegen­erative diseases. | Supplied
RESEARCH indicates Rooibos extracts have the potential to reduce the risk and onset of neurodegen­erative diseases. | Supplied

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