Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Help Micah to participat­e in Portugal championsh­ips

- GENEVIEVE SERRA genevieve.serra@inl.co.za

AN 11-YEAR-OLD girl from Mitchells

Plain has been selected to represent South Africa at the Hip Hop Unite World Championsh­ips OBIDOS in Portugal next month.

Micah Jacobs, in Grade 5 at Montagu Primary School in Mitchells Plain, has been dancing since the age of 7.

While part of the Youth Developmen­t Academy, Micah was selected to be part of the Hip Hop Unite World Championsh­ips OBIDOS in Portugal from October 26 to 28.

The South African Sports Aerobics and Fitness Federation, SASAFF, confirmed that she had qualified at the

SASAFF Hip Hop Championsh­ips in Cape Town in June.

Micah will partake in the Youth Solo Battles Division.

She and her coach, Kim Cassels, will obtain SASAFF colours for participat­ing at the World Championsh­ips.

Micah’s mother, Nicolette JacobsSmit­h, said they were proud of her.

“She has been dancing hip hop since she started school, and was taught by her coach, Kim Cassels, who is the owner of Young Dreamers Academy,” she said.

Micah said she was thrilled to participat­e and was surprised to have been selected.

“My sister, Gabrielle Jacobs, who is 16 years old, is my role model and she is also a hip hop dancer,” she said.

Jacobs-Smith said Micah still needed financial support to make her dreams come true.

“R10 000 has been raised thus far,” she said. Jacobs-Smith said the trip would cost R30 000.

“We are so excited about this opportunit­y, as she would like to become a dance teacher when she grows up.

She has an attitude of positivity, avoids negativity. She is the most resilient child I know, and her smile always makes an impact.”

If you would like to assist Micah, the banking details for donations are:


Account name: SASAFF

Account number: 1441220070 Reference: MICAH

 ?? | FERENCE ?? MICAH Jacobs, 11, is to represent South Africa at the Hip Hop Unite World Championsh­ips OBIDOS in Portugal next month. ISAACS
| FERENCE MICAH Jacobs, 11, is to represent South Africa at the Hip Hop Unite World Championsh­ips OBIDOS in Portugal next month. ISAACS

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