Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Book clubs: a treasure for little children

- KHANYISA CEBO khanyisa.cebo@inl.co.za

KIDS, do you want to grow the love of reading?

If you do, you can join a book club, a fun and playful environmen­t that nourishes your love for reading.

Imange Jamela, 11, said that she loves book clubs as they motivate her to read more.

“I am always looking forward to my club members. The club helps to boost my confidence and be able to read with my classmates when we have an assessment,” she says.

Litha Sam-Sam, the founder of Loxion Mobile Library, the Children's Book Machine, said they travel to disadvanta­ged areas, reaching children in spaces they feel comfortabl­e in and based in the Vrygrond community.

They meet children at school, playground­s or street corners and have 257 children on their database.

Their reading clubs have a Book Buddies programme, which are activities where other children who are strong and confident readers can support others with reading.

“This also enhances leadership, confidence and support skills in them and also does storytelli­ng and encourages children to share with each other stories from books they have read,” said Sam-Sam.

Kids enjoy activities such as singing and fun reading games, and they have Kyka, the reading giraffe, who visits the playground and brings stories to life.

Nal'ibali shared some of the reading materials that kids who are in a reading club can use, suggesting that book club facilitato­rs must look for books in all the home languages of the reading club members.

Another great way is to look out for charity book sales to buy cheap books, or even ask friends and family members and everyone you can think of for donations!

 ?? Supplied ?? LOXION Mobile Library empowers children with literacy through their book club. |
Supplied LOXION Mobile Library empowers children with literacy through their book club. |

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