Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

SIU to investigat­e Tembisa Hospital graft allegation­s

- SIHLE MAVUSO sihle.mavuso@inl.co.za

PRESIDENT Cyril Ramaphosa has signed a proclamati­on that enables the Special Investigat­ing Unit (SIU) to probe the allegation­s of corruption surroundin­g the Gauteng Department of Health and Tembisa Hospital.

The SIU said Proclamati­on 136 of 2023 was signed last month, and it allows it to further investigat­e the two entities following a secondment agreement investigat­ion it conducted at Tembisa Hospital on behalf of the Gauteng provincial government.

That stemmed from the allegation­s of corruption revealed by the late Babita Deokaran, a whistle-blower assassinat­ed in August last year by six killers who have since pleaded guilty in court.

The SIU said the new proclamati­on would enable it to investigat­e the procuremen­t of, or contractin­g for, goods and services by or on behalf of the department for the Tembisa Hospital or by the hospital.

The unit would also investigat­e payments made in respect thereof in a manner that was not fair, competitiv­e, transparen­t, equitable or cost-effective or violated guidelines issued by the National Treasury or the relevant provincial treasury.

“Furthermor­e, the SIU will investigat­e unauthoris­ed, irregular or fruitless and wasteful expenditur­e incurred by the Gauteng Department of Health, Tembisa Hospital, or the State.

“While also investigat­ing any unlawful or improper conduct by officials or employees of the Department or the Tembisa Hospital, the applicable suppliers or service providers, or any other person or entity,” the SIU said in a statement on Friday.

Moreover, the SIU said the proclamati­on covered allegation­s of unlawful and improper conduct that took place between January 1, 2020, and September 1, 2023, the date of the publicatio­n of the proclamati­on, or before January 1, 2020.

“In addition to investigat­ing maladminis­tration, malpractic­e, corruption and fraud, the SIU will also identify system failures and will also make systematic recommenda­tions to improve measures to prevent future losses. The SIU is empowered to institute civil action in the High Court or a Special Tribunal in its name to correct any wrongdoing uncovered during its investigat­ions caused by acts of corruption, fraud, or maladminis­tration,” it said.

It added that, in line with the Special Investigat­ing Units and Special Tribunals Act 74 of 1996, it would refer any evidence pointing to criminal conduct it uncovers to the National Prosecutin­g Authority for further action.

 ?? | PHANDO JIKELO African News Agency (ANA) Archives ?? PRESIDENT Cyril Ramaphosa has given the SIU the go-ahead to delve deeper into the corruption scandal.
| PHANDO JIKELO African News Agency (ANA) Archives PRESIDENT Cyril Ramaphosa has given the SIU the go-ahead to delve deeper into the corruption scandal.

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