Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Gugulethu community wants principal gone

- ZOLANI SINXO zolani.sinxo@inl.co.za

THE community of Gugulethu has had enough of a Tembaletu Learners with Special Education Needs school principal as they accuse him of maladminis­tration and prejudice towards community members.

This week, Gugulethu community members have been demonstrat­ing outside the school gates, and law enforcemen­t has had to be called to defuse the situation.

Max Nqunqa, an executive member of the Uprising Committee, said since 2019 the principal had been discrimina­ting against the people of Gugulethu, preferring to employ people who resided in places such as Khayelitsh­a. He said the community was always left in the dark as to what was happening at the school, only to hear that some employees were being mistreated at the school.

Nqunqa said: “The entire school governing body (SGB) comprises people from Khayelitsh­a, and there’s not a single person who is from Gugulethu, and this we find very problemati­c.

“The principal has over the years frustrated and mistreated employees who are from Gugulethu to the point where they ended up resigning. Recently, he has dismissed two employees who are from our community without a valid reason.”

Nqunqa said they were not saying people from outside Gugulethu should not be employed, but there should be a balance when it came to employment, and people should be appointed on merit and fairness.

“The school is built in Gugulethu, and we as the community are the first people to respond when there’s a problem at the school, so for the principal to say he doesn’t want people from Gugulethu, that doesn’t make sense as we are the ones who advocated for the school and gave permission for the school to be built. A school built in Gugulethu should not discrimina­te against people from Gugulethu.”

Speaking on behalf of the school and principal, Bronagh Hammond, spokespers­on of the Western Cape Education Department, said some community members, many of whom did not have children in the school, made various allegation­s against the principal and school management team, and one such allegation was the hiring of school bus drivers from outside the community.

“The SGB has claimed that the drivers are local, and due process has been followed. The principal has made numerous attempts to discuss this with the relevant community members; however, they have not arrived for the scheduled meetings,” said Hammond.

He said the SGB had also been duly elected, and there were parents on the SGB who did not live in the immediate area but had children in the school.

“It is their right to be nominated for the SGB, if duly elected. It is the nature of special schools, given the specific needs that they cater to, to accommodat­e learners from outside of the immediate area. This is not uncommon at all special needs schools in the province,” said Hammond.

He said community members who were not parents of learners in the school were not eligible to be part of the SGB.

The department met with the community on the matter, and follow-up meetings would be held starting next week.

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