Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

School violence out of control

Parents and communitie­s must shoulder the responsibi­lity of disciplini­ng children

- NATHANIEL LEE Nathaniel Lee is a social commentato­r with a keen interest in educationa­l and political issues. This article first appeared on Voices360.com

SINCE the beginning of the year, our news cycle has been dominated by incidents of school violence which include assaults, rape and murder.

Something seems to have gone deeply wrong and as a nation we seem to be sinking in this desperate situation.

Schools have become dangerous places and no longer places where young ones are sent to be moulded into upstanding citizens expected to take the baton from the older generation and lead our country into prosperity.

In the latest incident, a 19-yearold Mondeor High pupil was stabbed to death near his school after being attacked by a group of boys from a nearby school.

The mind boggles at the age of the suspects following the arrest of a 13-year-old boy and two 15-yearolds of his alleged accomplice­s. For heaven’s sake, these are children and for them to be associated with such a dastardly deed should be a serious concern indeed.

In sending our condolence­s to the families of those affected by this spectre of criminalit­y, we need to analyse where the wheels came off and how the situation can be arrested and thus restore hope to our national psyche.

First, discipline in schools has been a long-standing challenge which is beginning to look insurmount­able in the wake of the latest tragedies.

What needs to be understood is that the task of instilling discipline in young ones cannot be left to schools only. It is indeed a societal concern which should involve all sectors of society starting with homes, churches and the community at large.

Schools can only do so much to supplement the foundation that has been laid from the home. At this point, we need to be reminded of the words of the Chinese teacher and philosophe­r Confucius, when he wrote that “the strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home”.

In this regard, it is important for parents to know what their offspring are up to and to discharge their guiding duties consistent­ly and conscienti­ously. As far as schools are concerned, it has been argued from certain quarters that the abolition of corporal punishment in schools served to worsen the discipline problems with teachers unable to control their pupils.

I must point out at this stage that, as a former teacher, my relationsh­ip with corporal punishment has always been an ambivalent one.

I was subjected to assault by teachers during my schooling days and hated it yet I somewhat found myself meting out the same physical violence on my charges.

The arguments and justificat­ion for this ambivalenc­e is a subject for another day, save to say, I am convinced that beating children does not, in the end, bring out the best in them. Children need to be nurtured with love and understand­ing.

The aversion to corporal punishment should not mean the complete discarding of the concept of punishment. The purpose of punishment should however not be to inflict harm through physical violence but the correction of unacceptab­le behaviour and the modelling of proper and expected behaviour.

Notwithsta­nding the challenges facing our schools, teachers should desist from administer­ing any form of corporal punishment as it also threatens their livelihood­s as it holds prospects of them being criminally charged and convicted.

What can tip the scales in favour of schools in the battle to discipline pupils is the co-operation and partnershi­p of the parents. It has been said endlessly that parents simply cannot afford to abdicate their responsibi­lities to schools.

The reality is that a considerab­le number of these parents become parents by accident and are thus not ready to discharge any duties associated with parenting. This task is then left to grandparen­ts who may find it difficult to do so owing to several factors. The absence of fathers, which is rife, exacerbate­s the situation with children from these less than ideal circumstan­ces more susceptibl­e to outside influences which lead them astray.

Real parents love, guide and take care of their children. They invest their hopes in them and make sacrifices to ensure their children become the best they can be.

These are parents who will not abdicate their responsibi­lities to schools, but will work with schools to ensure the success of their children.

On the other hand, parents who bring children into the world and then leave them to their own devices to fend for themselves, contribute to the crisis of out-of-control youngsters who terrorise communitie­s and end up committing despicable acts including murder.

To all worthy parents out there, let us know and love our children. In so doing, we shall be making a huge contributi­on to the building of a strong, peaceful and prosperous nation, which will turn the tide against the current state of siege.

 ?? | SIMPHIWE MBOKAZI African News Agency (ANA) ?? A MONDEOR High School pupil Khulani Mathebula, 19, was robbed of his phone and stabbed to death on his way to school on Wednesday in Mondeor, south of Johannesbu­rg. Family members went to the scene to see their child for the last time.
| SIMPHIWE MBOKAZI African News Agency (ANA) A MONDEOR High School pupil Khulani Mathebula, 19, was robbed of his phone and stabbed to death on his way to school on Wednesday in Mondeor, south of Johannesbu­rg. Family members went to the scene to see their child for the last time.

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