Weekend Argus (Saturday Edition)

Violence claims more victims on West Bank

Palestinia­ns attack shrine


JERUSALEM: Palestinia­ns set fire to a Jewish shrine in the occupied West Bank and an attacker disguised as a journalist stabbed an Israeli soldier yesterday as tensions ran high after more than two weeks of violence.

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he was ready to meet Abbas to help restore calm.

Israel’s military said about 100 people converged on the tomb of the biblical patriarch Joseph in the Palestinia­n city of Nablus and set parts of it ablaze before Palestinia­n security forces arrived and pushed them back.

Hours later, a Palestinia­n posing as a journalist wounded an Israeli soldier with a knife before being shot dead near the town of Hebron.

Reuters television footage showed the Palestinia­n rolling on the ground and surrounded by Israeli troops after the attack. He was holding a knife and wearing a fluorescen­t yellow vest over a T-shirt marked “press”.

A military statement about the shrine attack said: “We view this incident with gravity and strongly condemn any attack on holy sites. We will find and arrest those who set the fire.”

Joseph’s tomb has been venerated for centuries by Jews, Samaritans, Christians and Muslims.

Palestinia­n president Mahmoud Abbas condemned the attack. He ordered the damage to be repaired and opened an investigat­ion into the arson.

A statement from his office said Abbas “stressed his rejection of these actions and all actions that violate law and order, and which distort our culture, our morals and our religion”.

Violence also broke out in the Gaza Strip when Palestinia­ns approached the border fence with Israel. They threw stones at soldiers, who opened fire, killing a Palestinia­n and wounding 27 others, Palestinia­n medical officials said.

The Israeli military said hundreds of people gathered along the border, some hurling rocks and burning tyres at the fence. A military spokeswoma­n said troops “are operating to prevent further escalation of

‘We view this

violence using riot dispersal means and firing towards main instigator­s”.

The unrest has erupted mostly in Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank and is the most serious in years, claiming the lives of 35 Palestinia­ns and seven Israelis.

The Palestinia­n dead include 11 knife- wielding assailants, police said, as well as children and protesters shot during demonstrat­ions. One man died in Gaza yesterday from wounds sustained in a clash a week ago.

The Israelis were killed in random attacks in the street or on buses.

The UN Security Council will hold a special meeting to discuss the situation. No resolution is planned, but there might be an attempt to get the council to issue a statement urging the two sides to curb the violence.

Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, called for “rallies of anger and confrontat­ions” in all West Bank cities yesterday.

“Our decision is to pursue the Intifada (uprising) and continue the resistance against the Israeli occupation,” said Ismail Haniyeh, the group’s leader in Gaza.

The unrest has been triggered in part by Palestinia­ns’ anger over what they see as increased Jewish encroach- ment on Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa mosque compound, which is also revered by Jews as the location of two destroyed biblical Jewish temples.

The director- general of Israel’s foreign ministry, Dore Gold, said: “The burning of Joseph’s tomb forcefully demonstrat­es what would happen in the holy places in Jerusalem if they were in the hands of the Palestinia­n leadership.” – Reuters

 ?? PICTURE: REUTERS ?? BLOCKED: Palestinia­ns wait to cross a roadblock set-up by Israel this week in an effort to stop a wave of knife attacks in the East Jerusalem neighbourh­ood of Issawiya. Palestinia­ns set fire to a Jewish shrine in the West Bank yesterday as the Islamist...
PICTURE: REUTERS BLOCKED: Palestinia­ns wait to cross a roadblock set-up by Israel this week in an effort to stop a wave of knife attacks in the East Jerusalem neighbourh­ood of Issawiya. Palestinia­ns set fire to a Jewish shrine in the West Bank yesterday as the Islamist...

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