TV Plus (South Africa)

The Musketeers


There’s only one character worse than the infamous Cardinal Richelieu in The Musketeers (2014-current) and that’s the sword-swinging, pistol-shooting, dirty scoundrel Comte de Rochefort. Who’s bringing him to life in the series? British actor Marc Warren, who’s got a thing for playing TV villains…

The 48-year-old’s probably best known to viewers as nasty Nick Savarese in season 4 (2012) of The Good Wife (2009-2016) and con-artist Danny Blue in action series Hustle (2004-2012). He got inside info on his new role – he’s known Tom Burke (Athos) since 2002 when they were in a stage play together. Says Marc, “Tom mentioned a part in the next series and I expressed an interest. He had a word with the producer and a few months later they offered me the part.” What does he enjoy most about his Musketeers role? “You get to be bad. You’re always stabbing somebody or throttling somebody…” He’s not always in front of the camera though. He helped the production team with the storyboard­s for Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace (1999) by standing in for Ewan McGregor (Obi-Wan Kenobi). He’s been working since 1988 and Marc says that he’s well past his partying days. “We’re blokes in our 40s, working long hours. If I was in my 20s, just starting out, then good times for all. But not these days.” Sheepishly, Marc admits that his TV guilty pleasure is Celebrity Big Brother (2001-current). Not that he’d go on the reality show. “You’d never get me into that. I’m just an actor; I turn up and say my lines. That would be the last day of my career.”

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