TV Plus (South Africa)

21 November


Foodie and editor of Pick ’n Pay’s Fresh Living Magazine Justine Drake says that her love for cooking came from growing up in a warm, loving family. “They’re all food-obsessed. As far as I can remember I was busy with them in the kitchen,” she says. And now the 47-year-old is hosting her own cooking show Just Cooking (2015-current), making even yummier treats that require little prep.

How did you get involved in Just Cooking? It’s an extension of the PnP mag Fresh Living – simple, modern food that’s low on fuss and is affordable. And as the editor, I suppose I was the obvious choice as cook and presenter. What’s your favourite dish? Phew! I love cooking loads of things – everything from my family’s favourite herb-stuffed roast chicken to a simple yet flavourpac­ked Thai beef salad. We eat a lot of Asian noodle broths too. What’s the hardest dish you’ve ever had to make? I’m a pretty hopeless baker. I’ve made many a loaf of bread that would be better used as a culinary weapon than in a meal. I just don’t have the patience or that light baker’s touch. Who’s your TV chef icon? Jamie Oliver, for making cooking accessible and bringing it to the masses. Nigel Slater for his incredible way with words. Locally, chefs Margot Janse and Luke Dale Roberts for their incredible humility despite their creative genius and global respect. And what treats do you prepare for your kids? Flynn is three and, much to my distress, a very picky eater, so he’s not interested in any of the treats I make, while Trixie-Rose is seven and eats just about anything, so I don’t need to make treats so much as just cook things she likes. She does love my lemon meringue ice cream though.

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