The Star Late Edition

Worse to come as record heat hits US, Canada


SWATHES of the US and Canada endured record-setting heat on Sunday, forcing schools and Covid-19 testing centres to close and the postponeme­nt of an Olympic athletics qualifying event, with forecaster­s warning of worse to come.

The village of Lytton in British Columbia broke the record for Canada’s all-time high, with a temperatur­e of 46.6ºC, said Environmen­t Canada.

And in Eugene, Oregon, a temperatur­e of 43.3ºC forced organisers to postpone the final day of the US Olympic track and field trials, moving afternoon events to the evening.

Because of climate change, record-setting temperatur­es are becoming more frequent. Globally, the decade to 2019 was the hottest recorded, and the five hottest years have all occurred within the past five years.

On Sunday in Seattle, Washington

state, the temperatur­e hit 40ºC, a record that surprised residents not used to warmer climes.

“Normally it’s probably like, maybe 60 Fahrenheit (15.5ºC), 70 degrees (21ºC) is a great day, everybody is outside in shorts and T-shirts, but this is like – this is ridiculous,” one city resident said. “I feel like I’m in the desert or something.”

Another said: “You just stand around and you’re like – you can’t breathe, it’s so hot.”

Doug Farr, the manager of the city’s weekly Ballard Farmers’ Market, said the site had to close early on Sunday because of the heat, something it normally only has to do for snow.

“I think this is the first time we’ve ever closed early because of the heat,” he said.

Oregon’s biggest city, Portland, hit 44.4ºC on Sunday, the US National

Weather Service (NWS) said, breaking the city’s record set a day earlier. Across the border in Canada, stores reportedly sold out of portable air conditione­rs and fans, while cities opened emergency cooling centres and outreach workers handed out bottles of water and hats.

Several Covid-19 vaccinatio­n clinics were cancelled and schools announced they would close yesterday.

More than 40 new highs were recorded throughout British Columbia over the weekend, including in the ski resort town of Whistler. And forecaster­s said hotter days were to come.

“A prolonged, dangerous and historic heat wave will persist through this week,” Environmen­t Canada said, forecastin­g temperatur­es near 40ºC in several regions.

It issued alerts for British Columbia,

Alberta, and parts of Saskatchew­an, Yukon and the Northwest Territorie­s. The NWS issued a similar warning. The heat has been blamed on a high-pressure ridge trapping warm air in the region. The NWS previously said it would “likely be one of the most extreme and prolonged heat waves in the recorded history of the Inland Northwest”.

Nick Bond, an atmospheri­c scientist at the University of Washington, said the freak weather event was not entirely due to climate change, but was exacerbate­d by it.

“Climate change is a factor here, but definitely a secondary one,” he said. “The main thing going on is this highly unusual weather pattern, but that being said climate change is real, our temperatur­es have warmed here, especially summer night-time temperatur­es.”

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