The Star Late Edition

SAPS considers body cameras for officers


AFTER shelving the idea of body cameras due to lack of funds, the SAPS is once again considerin­g introducin­g the tool to protect the officers during operations.

This was revealed by Police Minister Bheki Cele while responding in writing to parliament­ary questions from IFP MP Zandile Majozi.

Majozi enquired about the budget allocation­s for the use of body-worn cameras and details regarding the implementa­tion of the cameras.

She said in light of the increasing number of SAPS officers being killed, and civilian videos showing SAPS members abusing their office, there was a need for an update on the initiative.

In his response, Cele said no specific budget allocation has been made available for body cameras.

But, he said the SAPS had published a request for informatio­n (RFI) on the body cameras. “The purpose of the RFI was to determine the impact of infrastruc­ture, operations technology and the aspects of society and business, which will have a direct influence on how technology supports and delivers service to the business over the next five years.”

Cele said a draft bid specificat­ion document was compiled for proper due diligence. “A bid specificat­ion is planned for final sign-off by all of the SAPS divisions which require the use of body cameras by the end of July 2021, which will then be consolidat­ed for publicatio­n. An implementa­tion plan will be compiled from the determined priorities of the SAPS.” |

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