The Star Late Edition

Elections will herald new era of accountabi­lity


EARTH-shattering new revelation­s continue to make headlines in our dysfunctio­nal country.

State capture in its ugliest manifestat­ions and a nation on the edge as we anticipate a third wave, and the municipal election frenzy engulfs voters, with every political party promising them a new Shangri-La.

The road to power is paved with hypocrisy and casualties. All the major political parties have lost their moral values to the affluence that comes with power and materialis­m. It’s a bane that has survived in our political arena, hence deserving the term “cronyism”. Its waters are murky, it is not for the faint-hearted.

We are a nation in total disarray. Petrol price hikes, e-tolls, load shedding, corruption, the Covid-19 vaccine fiasco and Sassa grants debacle will have a major impact on the electorate this year.

An upheaval of major proportion­s in the political arena will herald a dynamic new era of accountabl­e governance. Our current politics for power has become highly vandalised.

We satiate our fantasies for power by discussing policies that are obsolete. All the major political parties are guilty of hypocrisy and doublespea­k. Malignant insults drive our election campaigns.

As a democracy, public policy is contaminat­ed and diminished by the actions of all the major parties.

A new political political order will emerge, with a huge mandate to reconstruc­t this battered nation. People across the country want positive change. The current political climate has left the country politicall­y divided, with nihilism on the doorstep of every citizen, save for the wealthy class of tender traders and relatives and friends who became vulgarly rich due to incestuous patronage under a rampaging lethal virus.

Our political history is replete with examples of why our contaminat­ed politics by deception is a house of cards. Some leaders are base liars, capable of telling colossal untruths regarding state capture, which has cost the country two trillion rand over the past 25 years.

The dawn of a new political era beckons us. Almost everyone is agreed that the municipal elections to take place on October 27 could well be the most interestin­g and crucial election they will witness in their lifetime. Several developmen­ts suggest the elections could mark a big shift of the political paradigm and, in that sense, could well mark the true beginning of 21st century politics in the country.

The real objectives of the rulers of the past 27 years was political power and pecuniary plunder.

The clear message to all parties seems to be that ideologies and party loyalties are not sacred. What the people want is better governance, greater government­al accountabi­lity and better prospects for themselves and their children in this lifetime, not the next.

Those politician­s who ignore this trend will be relegated to the dustbins of history.

If you choose to bury your head in the sand, then you will get the government that you deserve.

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