The Star Late Edition

India’s avoidable disaster

Deep-rooted issues behind the Covid crisis show the current situation was not inevitable

- VAGEESH JAIN Jain is an NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow in Public Health Medicine at UCL, London University

INDIA finds itself in the throes of a humanitari­an disaster. Until March this year, case numbers were low in most parts of the country, leading many to think that the worst was over.

Much like in Brazil though, jingoism, overconfid­ence and false reassuranc­e from the political elite negated hard-won progress.

Mass gatherings have acted as state-sanctioned super-spreader events. More infectious variants and a sluggish uptake of vaccines are also fuelling the surge. These are the triggers, but there are more deep-rooted issues at the heart of the crisis.

India is an inherently high-risk country for an epidemic. The country holds 1.4 billion people, living in crowded areas with extensive community networks and limited facilities for sanitation, isolation and health care.

Most do not have the luxury of isolating at home for prolonged periods. More than 90% of workers are self-employed with no social safety net. Most rely on daily earnings to put food on the table. Many predicted that because of all of this, the initial wave of Covid-19 last year would have a devastatin­g impact.

The fact that it did not lead some to believe that the Indian population was innately less vulnerable to Covid than other population­s. An old theory, the hygiene hypothesis, was dusted off in an attempt to explain the low number of cases. The idea is that poor hygiene trains people’s immune defences, so when people are exposed to the coronaviru­s, their bodies are well equipped to deal with it.

But the theory largely relied on population studies that failed to account for various factors involved in disease severity at an individual level. Even with higher quality research, correlatio­n does not imply causation, especially with the threat of new variants on the horizon. And yet this theory settled comfortabl­y into the national psyche of a traditiona­lly patriotic country.

Complacenc­y gave the coronaviru­s an opportunit­y to spread. Unlike in the first wave though, proportion­ally more cases have progressed into deaths this time around because the health system was overwhelme­d. Supplies of oxygen, ventilator­s, health workers and beds are critically low in hot spots like Delhi. But the fact that so many require medical care is a symptom of long-standing structural deficienci­es in the Indian health system.

Age is the single biggest risk factor for severe disease and death with Covid. India has an exceptiona­lly young population, with only 6% aged 65 and over. Even with a slightly more deadly virus, one would expect most to recover at home without the need for hospital care. But a relatively unhealthy middle-aged population, in part, offsets this advantage.

Air pollution is closely associated with lung and heart disease. A whopping 17.8% of all deaths in India were due to pollution in 2019, and Delhi, flooded by Covid patients seeking oxygen, is the most polluted capital in the world.

Obesity is also a growing concern in India, with high rates in urban areas where Covid outbreaks have been most concentrat­ed. The prevalence of diabetes in those aged 50-69 years is more than 30% – much higher than in other Asian countries. One in five women of reproducti­ve age has undiagnose­d high blood pressure.

All these are significan­t risk factors for death from Covid. Having an unhealthy population also leads to excess deaths because non-Covid health services are suspended.

Despite these health needs, total health expenditur­e in India represents only 3.9% of GDP, well below the 5% minimum recommende­d to achieve universal health coverage. The nation remains starved of the resources needed for a robust, resilient and wellequipp­ed health system.

What money is spent goes into an expensive hospital-based system predominan­tly delivered through the private sector. Most people do not have insurance; they pay for care out of their own pockets. This can lead to unnecessar­y costs and delays in seeking care or getting tested, which is critical to controllin­g epidemics in the early stages. Private institutio­ns operating in this way rely on people becoming unwell to generate revenue. There is no incentive to prevent disease. A largely commercial­ised and profit-driven system centred on treating disease has skewed investment away from essential public health functions. It is this market failure that is partly responsibl­e for India’s ailments, and many avoidable deaths.

Despite a recent expansion of primary care centres and a large health insurance scheme for the poor, infrastruc­ture remains poorly aligned with need.

As a result, capacities for infectious disease control, such as surveillan­ce, testing, contact tracing, guidance and research, were limited at the start of the pandemic. Efforts to prevent and control chronic diseases have also been traditiona­lly neglected despite their escalating burden and early onset in the Indian population.

India is a high-risk setting for an epidemic, but the current situation was not inevitable. As more are infected, the pool of susceptibl­e people will shrink, the virus will relent, and the country will rebuild. There will be a chance to reflect on the fundamenta­l goals of the health system.

For future epidemics, bolstering hospital capacity will be necessary but not sufficient. Death must be averted not just by treating disease, but by preventing it altogether.

 ?? | REUTERS ?? PATIENTS suffering from COVID-19 receive treatment in the emergency ward at Holy Family hospital in New Delhi, India. India is a high-risk setting for an epidemic, but its current situation was not inevitable, says the writer.
| REUTERS PATIENTS suffering from COVID-19 receive treatment in the emergency ward at Holy Family hospital in New Delhi, India. India is a high-risk setting for an epidemic, but its current situation was not inevitable, says the writer.
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