The Star Late Edition



I WAS shocked, concerned and dismayed, not only that the national executive committee (NEC) of the ANC meeting ended up with another unsuccessf­ul attempt to unseat President Jacob Zuma, but by his audacity.

He said: “I have been quiet because I don’t want to harm the ANC, so if you continue attacking me in the media, you will see what I am going to do”. In the 105 years of the ANC no one else has damaged and splintered the party more than him. He then attacked the NEC by blaming them for losing the metros in last year’s election because they were attacking him all the time.

He also accused “foreign agents” of being behind the attempt to remove him and said this issue must never be raised again.

All these point to the fact that he will survive a no-confidence motion called by opposition parties in Parliament whether the Constituti­onal Court orders a secret vote or not.

In closing, the Mafia state that our church leaders announced a week ago and the exposé with all the Gupta emails that they exerted undue influence over cabinet ministers and state-owned enterprise­s is here to stay. John Bouvier Bryanston TEENAGE pregnancie­s in schools are alarming and shocking at a tender age. There can be many reasons for this teenage behaviour, mindset and desires. What is most important is that “parents” must take full control of social behaviours bringing in better controls of inter-mixing, parties, drinking, weekend outings and dates from a young age.

What is disastrous is that the girl is left high and dry once she is pregnant, financial issues with multiple problems of upbringing single-handedly because most boys walk away from their responsibi­lities.

Parents need to teach girls about the serious consequenc­es of dating before marriage or even schools should have workshops and guidance classes about this serious and delicate issue in our society. Farouk Saloojee Rustenburg

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