The Star Late Edition

Extremists target Sudan columnist

Islamists threaten woman journalist


SUDANESE journalist Shamael Al Nur has become the target of hard-line Islamists in Sudan after she wrote a column criticisin­g the Sudanese government for focusing on the way women dress and their morality at the expense of educationa­l and health issues.

The response to Nur’s column was swift and hard with a Khartoum-based radical Islamist, Mohamed Ali Al Ghazouli, accusing the journalist of slandering Islam and accusing her of apostasy, the penalty for which is death in Sudan.

Nur, 36, said on Sunday that she was also being targeted by radical Islamists, and a section of Sudan’s hard-line media, because she was a woman.

“In the Sudanese community it becomes a problem when a woman speaks of such issues or criticises Islamic scholars,” said Nur, dressed in a leather jacket and jeans.

She also accused Mustafa Al Tayeb, editor of the hard-line newspaper El Sina and an uncle of President Omar Al Bashir, of targeting her.

Nur has to be prevented from corrupting Sudan’s values, Tayeb wrote in his newspaper last week, urging his readers to “protect their religion”.

In the column she wrote earlier in the month for Al Tayar newspaper, Nur accused Islamic regimes of focusing on “matters of virtue and women’s dress rather than health and education issues”.

“It is easy to cut spending on health in the state budget, but it is very difficult for the ministry of health to distribute condoms,” she wrote in the column on a sardonic note.

According to Nur, less than 3% of Sudan’s budget is allocated for health and education.

The journalist added that she had written several articles criticisin­g Khartoum but that her latest article had hit a nerve and triggered a vicious campaign against her.

However, Al Ghazouli said that Nur’s comments were derogatory towards Islam and its main virtues.

“She says that those who pray can’t build a modern state. Such writings are also against Sudanese law and the constituti­on,” he added.

Ghazouli has filed a case against Nur and has also approached the Sudanese press council.

“They will now decide whether this amounts to apostasy,” he said, a charge which can carry the death penalty in Sudan in case of conviction.

He also slammed the journalist at a Khartoum mosque last Friday during one of his sermons.

However, the daily independen­t that Nur works for has offered its support. “Shamael Al Nur is a young journalist with a great future. She is active and has a strong will,” said Osman Mirgani, editor of Al-Tayar.

“She has strong views about journalism and that makes her different from others.”

The Paris-based Media watchdog Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has also taken up her cause.

“We urge the authoritie­s to do what is necessary to protect Nur and the rest of Al Tayar’s personnel and to condemn these calls for hate and violence,” RSF said last week.

Meanwhile, Bashir has announced that he had pardoned a Czech missionary and film-maker, Petr Jasek, who was sentenced to life imprisonme­nt for allegedly “spying” against Sudan.

The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North, however, accused Khartoum of an oppressive policy towards Christians.

Four days after entering Sudan, Jasek was arrested in December 2015, by Sudan’s National Intelligen­ce and Security Services, in possession of two bags containing a laptop, cellphone, video camera and other documents.

He was charged with espionage, waging war against the state and inciting hatred against religious congregati­ons and sentenced to life imprisonme­nt for spying against Sudan.

 ??  ?? Sudanese journalist Shamael Al Nur
Sudanese journalist Shamael Al Nur

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