The Star Late Edition

Wardens finding it hard to do job


PARKING attendants on Fourth Avenue in Parkhurst, Joburg, had a baptism of fire on their first few days on the job.

“People hurled insults at us and kept telling us that they would not pay. It’s not like we can swear back because we are only trying to work,” said an attendant.

“They were putting up a real fight about the Park ’ n Pay system. Some took photos of us and threatened to take us to the police. There’s nothing we can do but do our jobs. We work on commission and it’s really tough for us,” said another.

The attendants say some people refused to pay, while others felt obliged.

“We were here last Wednesday to hand out pamphlets about the Park ’n Pay system, and we still give them out. We are here from 7.30am to 4.30pm. The shopowners also complain. One lady tells the people not to pay the fee at all. We know that not everyone will be happy,” she said.

About 16 parking attendants were standing along the stretch of road on Fourth Avenue yesterday.

Residents and shopowners said parking problems started in the evening and not during the times the parking attendants worked.

They were also concerned that crime would be on the increase as people would start parking their cars on side streets, where no guards were visible and the parking attendants, carrying money, would attract criminals.

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