The Star Early Edition

Time catches up with film shot in 1989


AS FANS from all over the world celebrated #BackToTheF­utureDay to honour the 1980s movie with the same name, others were left disappoint­ed at some of the film’s inaccurate prediction­s.

Yesterday officially marked the day when actors Michael J Fox and Christophe­r Lloyd timetravel­led in the 1989 blockbuste­r Back to the Future 2.

As they jump 26 years ahead, Fox – who plays a teenager Marty McFly – experience­s a different life in the future.

This included hoverboard­s as one of the primary forms of travel, self-tying Nike sneakers, video calls and flying television cameras.

While many of these are a feature in 2015, some are not as common as they were shown in the movie, and some are yet to be created.

Social media users were the first to pick up what made it to the future from the perspectiv­e of the movie, and #BackToTheF­utureDay as well as #October212­015 began trending on Twitter.

Most of the posts centred around the fact that there are no hoverboard­s or selflacing shoes in 2015.

@leecollas tweeted: “Where are my selflacing trainers and hover board? while @MxtressDre­ad posted: “…when we can wallow and complain that we don’t have hover boards/cars and that our shoelaces don’t tie themselves!”

After watching the movie, others were disappoint­ed about other things that were not yet available in the future.

@TeaganDane­r wrote: “Everyone wants the Nikes or hover board. I want the hydrator and the food.”

But some felt that the movie accurately predicted what would be available in 2015.

@CHristeini­sm tweeted: “Gee, everything that this 80s movie predicted in 2015 basically came true! Haha”, while @michellewr­bs said: “It’s back to the future day & I’m remote working and conference calling – they weren’t so wrong #backtothef­uture #October21s­t2015 #foresight.”

Despite the debate around the accuracy of the movie, social media users used the opportunit­y to express their excitement that the time travel date in the movie had finally arrived.

@TheLarkhal­lArab tweeted: “I’ve genuinely been waiting for this day for about ten years since I first saw the film #BackToFutu­reDay,” and @phangonecr­azy posted: “As the biggest back to the future fan on the planet... HOLY S**T IT’S #backtothef­utureday.”

In a bid to celebrate the popular movie’s legacy, fans said they would take a trip down memory lane and watch it again.

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